Task force

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Now that Tarrlok got what he wanted we were slowly advancing with the task force and honestly it was a good distraction from Mako. I haven't seen Mako since the Gala, and I would like to keep it like that for now.

Tarlock was explaining the plan of action. Once he was done, the task force traveled to a nearby training camp for equalists. I got out of the truck and squatted next to Korra, I felt so different being in police force clothing instead of my usual Air Nomad clothing. Looking through the windows, there were people training to chi block. On the signal, we released water into the windows, and the water benders immediately froze it, freezing a few equalists in the process. I slid down the ice, along with the earth benders.

The earth benders knocked out a few equalists, I created a tornado and rounded up what I thought to be the last of the equalists. Until one caught my eye, escaping through the other door.

"Korra!" I shouted, nodding my head to the door, she ran after him and once the earth benders contained the equalist in my tornado, I took off after Korra. Once I got outside Korra already being attacked by the equalist. I sent a wind slash at him, causing him to hit the wall.

Then, water froze him to the wall. I looked behind me and saw Tarlock.

"We make a good team, don't we?" Tarlock announced, I scoffed, he barely did anything.

"Yeah," Korra replied blankly.

At the end of the mission, we captured the equalists. Pictures were taken of us, and were printed on the front page of the newspaper the next day, I didn't feel it was a good idea but Tarrlok instead that we show everyone that we are protecting the city.

•Mako's POV•

I walked down the streets with Asami holding hands. She was telling me about something but I barely registered a word she said. I haven't been able to focus much these past few days, knowing Rin is out there fighting.

We walked past a boy selling newspapers and I abruptly stopped, yanking Asami to a stop as well.

I pulled her over to the boy and let go of her hand pulling out a few coins to hand to the boy. He gave me the newspaper with a smile, "Enjoy ya paper mister!"

"Thank you." I turn around and started reading the head line.


On the front page is a picture of Tarrlok, Korra and Rin. Both Rin and Korra held a straight face while Tarrlok was smiling.

"Still worried about her?" Asami asked from the side, I jumped a little. I completely forgot she was there.

"Yeah just a little, I haven't seen her since the gala." I smiled a little of the memory of Rin in that stunning dress and how her long dark brown locks bounced around with every step she took. She looked absolutely beautiful.

Asami crossed her arms but let out a sigh, "She's a strong girl, Mako. She'll be fine. Now let's hurry up before the restaurant is packed."

I nodded my head slowly, "You're right, she's amazing... I shouldn't worry so much."

Asami looks a me for a second before letting out a small huff and walking towards the restaurant. I shrugged my shoulders and followed behind her.


"DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WHISH!?" I shout at Korra as me and my father landed our gliders.

Korra and I just came back from a press conference, when she announced that she wants to have a one on one battle with Amon. Korra was boarding the boat, on her way to the Avatar statue.

Me and my father joined Tarrlok at the end of the dock.

"Korra, you don't need to do this." My father pleaded.

"Don't try and stop me, I have to face him alone." Korra said sternly.

"This is all your doing!" Tenzin blamed.

I glared at Tarlock as well.

"I tried talking her out of it." Tarlock defended.

"Korra you can't go through with this without back up! You can't honestly expect Amon to fight fair and square!" I tried to reason with her. But she just shook her head at me and turned around jumping off the dock using her bending to make her way out to the statue.

"If anything goes wrong, I have fleets of ships positioned right outside the island." Tarlock tried to reassure.

"You're fleets won't help anything if our avatar has her bending taken away." I seethed.

The clock stroke 12:00, that meant Amon would be arriving soon. I boarded the boat and waited with my father, Tarlock, and his task force.

We waited it out for hours. With every passing second I started to grow sick. I had this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach, like I could tell something bad was going to happen.

"I'm getting worried, father." I said.

"We have to stay patient." Tenzin replied.

"I can't anymore." I said, getting off the boat. I ran up the stairs of the temple, and when I made my way to the top, I saw something at the end of the hall. It was Korra, she was laying on the ground. I shouted for my father, I could here him running up the stairs.

I ran up to her and kneeled down, "Please, be alright. Please be alright!" I mumble.

"Korra! Are you alright? Was Amon here?" My father asked concerned.

"He ambushed me," Korra said softly.

I knew it. I knew she should've take back up!

"Did he take away your bending?" Tenzin asked.

"No." Korra said softly.

"Oh, thank goodness." Tenzin said relieved. Korra started sobbing, and I immediately hugged her, I knew exactly how she was feeling... scared and weak.

"I was so terrified, I felt so helpless." Korra cried. I soothed her head to calm her down.

I am too, Korra.

"It's alright, the nightmare is over." Tenzin said.

"You were right, Tenzin, I've been scared this whole time, I've never felt like this before, and I don't know what to do." Korra cried.

"Admitting your fears, is the first and most difficult step." Tenzin said.

Admitting your fears.

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