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The night of the gala, Tarrlok requested for me to come to the party earlier

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The night of the gala, Tarrlok requested for me to come to the party earlier.

Taking my hair out of it's usually pony tail, letting my long hair fall loosely down my back, I added a small braid just to keep my hair out of my face.

I start walking towards the door when I suddenly freeze. I look down my wrist and notice it's bare. I quickly turn around and pick up my bracelet from my dresser and slip it on. Letting out a small sigh of relief.


Walking through the doors of the party which was just starting to gather people.

Tarrlok spotted me and made his way towards me, "Lady Rin! I'm so glad you could make it, you look stunning."

"Thank you, Tarrlok. But when is our task force moving out. I don't appreciate all this waiting."

"I thought Air Nomands were all about patients?"

"Unfortunately we don't live in a world of patients anymore, sir."

Tarrlok grows a smile and I turn to follow his glaze. Korra and my family have entered the gala, Korra was looking around star struck.

Me and Tarrlok make our way over to Korra, "If you'll excuse us, the city awaits their hero's." Tarrlok grabs Korra and drags her away with me following.

Stopping in front of a man I recognized as Hiroshi Sato.

"Korra, it is my pleasure to introduce Republic City's most famous industrialist, Hiroshi Sato." Tarrlok introduced.

"The pleasure is all mine." Hiroshi says to Korra.

"And this is Lady Rin, one of the last Air benders." Tarrlok introduces me.

I bow to Hiroshi, "It's a pleasure Mr.Sato."

Hiroshi chuckles, "Please call me Hiroshi."

A all to familiar voice called out and I slip farther behind Tarrlok, I still felt embarrassed from yesterday's events, "Hey Korra!" Mako and Bolin walked over to her. At Mako's side, was a girl.

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