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"Oh, cool. No issue, you know the drill."

I could feel the bow appear in my hands almost immediatly, the familar carvings & feel of slick wood agaisnt my palm. Such an odd feeling, it being so light, yet feeling so real.

Techno had his bow ready aswell, setting an arrow back, looking back to me.

"Hey, we finally get to see what abilites our arrows have."

"Yeah, we do."

I watched as he shot it to one of the ghasts, piercing it's eye open, causing liquid to burst from it as high pitched shrills filled the air once again.
What was once the eye was now just a whole. The pale skin around the hole started to decay, causing more screams to leave the weeping beast.

"Nice." he exclaimed, setting up another arrow.

I prepared mine as well, aiming at a quite smaller ghast to my left.
It looked almost like a baby, causing my heart to ache.

I have to do this.

With all my strength & willpower, I let go of the string, sending the arrow flying to the small, yet large creature.
It hit the side of it's head, causing an even higher-than-normal pitched squeal to come from it.
The creature started turning other colours, flashing brightly. Static erupted around it, causing it to buzz out & leave the tag, "Error occured."

"Man, that's cool." Techno commented, doding a fireball being spit at him.

"Yours is too!" I exclaimed, smiling at him.

Regardless of the situation, I was beyond happy & hyped Techno was the person I'd be fighting with in this whole, 'badass adventure' type thing. Along with Mx, of course..

Again, he sheilded another fireball. Both him & I continued to shoot at them all, fireballs spitting all around us.
Everything was fine, until I felt a sudden sharp, burning pain on my back left leg, causing me to fall into Techno.

He realized the situation, picking me up & running to shelter.
"Vincent! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah- We can go back- it was.." I took a second to inhale sharply, the pain on my back leg increasing. "I- I'm okay."

He ignored my statement, setting my down in a small cave we found.
Rolling up my pant leg, he let out a small huff.
"Your leg is.. slightly on fire." I felt him blow on him, the quiet sound of flames washing away along with the action.

I was about to look down at the damage, but he covered my eyes up.
"Don't. I don't have anything to heal.. Just, maybe we can imagine it, like our weapons."

Nodding to his statement, I tried my best to hold back any signs of pain. We had to get back out of there, now.
I closed my eyes, imaging the odd texture around my leg. The relief of having it covered- the burn gone.

"You did it." he exclaimed as I opened my eyes, gesturing to the new banage wrapped around my leg. It glowed of the familiar light purple that our weapons also resembled.

"We shouldn't have stopped here in the first place," I jumped up, running back out with Techno.

We returned to our spots with the ghasts. As we left, they had turned away. Now thta we were back, they were even far more angry than before.
To our luck, there was only 4 left. Techno & I had no trouble taking them down.

We watched as the last 2 finished off, out special arrow effects lingering in the air.
I never thought that death could be so beautiful, yet here I was. Watching a weeping beast cry it's last tears, flowing down into the lavapool beneath us. The warm glow reflecting on all of us, stronger than it'd ever been before.

"Hey, Vince. Is it just me or is the lava.. closer?"

I stared down at it, admiring the deadly beauty.
Never before had I taken the time to observe the lava as closely as I wished to.
It shone like never before, small hands poking out of the liquid.


"TECHNO- RUN!" I screeched.

Quickly enough he realized what I meant.
The 2 of us jumped up on rocks, climbing up the wall to where we'd jumped down from before.
The lava rose with us, quickly, flares of flames threatening to grab hold to us any second, lighting another fire to my legs.

I could feel scrapes on my hands forming, blood trickling down my palms from the sharo shards of quartz that stuck out from the blocks we were forced to grab hold to.

All in a flash, Techno & I managed to pull ourselves up from the lava.
There, we had no way to go to higher grounds.

The lava was going to get us, our campsite, & our friends. Our friends we were brought here to protect from this demon that controlled their hellish world.

I turned over to Techno, wishing I could cry. I didn't have tears to cry anymore, they'd all washed away with my bravery. My certainty we'd win, not go down like this.

He grabbed my hands, looking me in my eyes. He wrapped me into a tight hug, whispering over & over, "I'm sorry."

His eyes didn't have tears either. Instead they were hollow, empty.
This world had damaged us enough already, we should have known we wouldn't last in a place like this.

We stood there wrapped into a hug, until a sudden realization came.
The lava wasn't rising anymore.

I pulled away from my crowned friend, looking over to the cliff we'd jumped off earlier.
The lava was close, but not too close. Now, it remained at one level, sizzling & crackling intesenly. The hands no longer reached out, but instead were bubbles, almost like something, or someone sat under, waiting for the right time.

I was about to open my mouth to call him, but dashed back to Techno as I saw a figure rising from the lava.
Making sure to keep my guard up, I stared at the figure rising from the pool of death.

There it is.
The monster itself.

It was a huge, white, ugly creature that sat before us. The skin looked raw, similar to the zombies. It's eyes were bloodshot red, it's fist clenched around something.

"I see you two come to challenge me." it boomed out.
Similar to Mx, it has an electrified voice. Behind it, I could hear the static demon around us, buzzing away.

"We do." I took a step forward, staring as seriously, intensely as I could make myself at the creature.

"Dear A6d, Technoblade. How could you two be so forgetful?"

It's words threw my off guard slightly.
Forget? About what?

"You must be wondering what I'm going on about, hm?" it layed back, revealing a shining smile tipped with fangs, blood seeping at the sharo edges of it's canine teeth. "Well, it seems.. you forgot somebody. Or, I guess in this case.." it iggled madly. "Something."

It opened it's fist, revealing a familiar silhouette.


fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now