act X

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"Skeppy, wait."

This is a game. I am the only self aware being here, I can do whatever I want with this power.
Just, how?

I leaned up against the wall, placing my head into my hands. This was all so much to handle, I just wanted to be at home in the real world, safe.

I glanced over to Skeppy, my heart aching from remembering the "old" him. Even if this wasn't really him now, it pained me to see him hurt this much. His wrists to the static, the ache he has for Darryl is as much as I miss them.

It's crazy to think this, he's right here with me now. But this isn't him, it's all just some simulation. Am I here to die, is this just it? Am I being tortured for all the wrong doings I've done in the past?

My thoughts were stopped by one more.

"A6d, are you oka-"

"Be quiet, one sec."
I concentrated as hard as I could, trying to gain access to my own files.
If I'm in this dumb game, I have a file. Right?

"I can't.. find it," I rubbed my index finger agaisnt my temples, sighing.

"Find what?"
He had concern in his voice, but I know it wasn't real. He isn't.

Closing my eyes & blocking out whatever he had to say, I let my mind take control.

- - - - - - - - - -

Now I was in the void once again, where I'd been the night I found out this was all a game.
Files of all types surrounded me, .png, .jpeg, .mpv, .mp4, .txt.
Ones I couldn't recongize, probably exclusive to this game.

Static all around me once again, reminding me of how this whole mess with the 2 started.
How is it I got so lucky to find Skeppy? To know?

What is this game called, anyways? There are so many files here, too many to only be one.

I started to click on random ones. None of them granted access, until I clicked on one called "".

Finally, this is it.
All of the game files in front of me, all under my control.

I scrolled through them, looking until I found the character ones.


So, Dream & Techno are here aswell? Maybe they're my way out.

There was one more that caught my attention.


What is this?
I attempted to open it, only to find it required a password of some type.

It's not worth it, whatever.

Going back to the original character files, I came across an issue.

Where am I?

The textbox from before came to my mind.
Right, exception. I'm an exception to this world, not supposed to be here.
I went back to all the other files, ones like the world type & propts. Again, none of the odd ones gave me access to open them.

There's only 1 way to do this, there are far to many files here.

I opened the seachbar for the files, searching exception.

There is was,

How strange, that's not how files are supposed to work. But then again, is anything in this world normal so far? I'm stuck in some virtual reality where if I die here I probably die in that hospital bed in the real world. What a dream to be stuck in.

Opening it, I smiled slightly.
There it all was, the clothing files, colour coding. The rest of it was all corrupted, probably from it not even supposed to be existent in this world.

I selected the bandana, than opened a new notepad file, selecting the options to copy to another location.


- - - - - - - - - -

The world in front of my slowly fuzzed back to the room, & Skeppy standing there like nothing had even happened.

I looked back to one of the boxes & saw the bandana with the odd metal plate on it.
Something about that weird plate I liked a lot, just something I couldn't explain about it.

Heading over, I spoke up to Skeppy, "Hey, look. I found something." I picked up the bandana & head back over to him, wrapping it around his other wrist.

"Hey, that looks exactly like yours.."
He looked to me, a look of suspicion covering his face.

"Skeppy.. You don't really think I'm apart of this, do you?"

"How do they have the same one here?!"

"I cod-" I cut myself off quickly.
He probably shouldn't know about this being a game & all. He isn't meant to know he's just some A.I. here in a purposely messed up world.

"Look, I don't know. I promise you, Skeppy. I am not a part of this. I didn't chose my outfit or anything, please. Trust me." I looked into his eyes, his static, messed up eyes. Words can't explain how much I missed those darker shaded brown eyes he once had. That stupid grin he always wore while he trolled Darryl & I- I missed it all, the both of them.


The boy let out a sigh, nodding.
"Okay." After that he went silent, letting me care to his wrist again.

I looked back at his face again.

"Yeah, a6d?"
He looked back at me, into my eyes.

"Do you remember?"

Again, silence came from him. He looked down in thought, than back up at me again, this time his eyes lighting up more than the normal.


fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora