act VI

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Skeppy & I had decided to take shifts with sleeping & keeping watch, just in case.

He had been generous by letting me sleep first. I had wanted to object, but he refused. Isn't he more tired from that.. monster? Whatever it was.

He said through the whole time he was concious, what possibly meant no sleep. I have no idea how long he was trapped, but he was obviously tired.

Whatever, it's only an hour anyways. At least he's sleeping now.

For some reason Skeppy seemed to remind me of someone. Somebody I just can't place my finger on.

His looks, and his personality. It seems slightly off, but it's almost as if we were made to meet.

Not in a weird way, of course.

I just feel like I know him already, very well.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of rocks slamming together.

"Who's there?" I yelled out.

For a few seconds there was just some silence, so I took that time to wake up Skeppy.

"Skeppy," I shook his shoulders. "Wake up, now. Something or someone is around here."

My words brought him to his attention immediatly, and he stood up with me to look around.

We stood there in silence for a second until a figure jumped down in front of me.
"Aagh!" I screamed, tumbling backwards from the shock.

Zak looked over to me, grinning.
"Wow, scared by that?" He turned to the other person. "Ey, Bad! I finally found you, after what.. a couple months of looking?"

"Haha, yeah. What are you doing around the boarder?"
The man in front of me was tall, probably my height, but noticeable compared to Skeppy. He wore a dark hood with red tips around the edges that slanted around to make him look more like a ninja. The hood covered most of his face, except for the fact I could see his eyes and a little bit of his light brown hair.
A lot like Skeppy's first did, they had a white glow to them. His eyes were just pure white, kind of creepy. I could see on his back that there was a sword, some type. Maybe he is some kind of ninja?

"Oh, aah.. About that." Skeppy turned to me, smiling nervously. I looked to his eyes, what were now glowing the same way as the other man's. "This is a6d. He kinda saved me from static.."

"Static?" the taller man crossed his arms. "Haven't I warned you about that countless times?"

The darker haired boy rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling a bit. "It's a funny story, really.."

"Skeppy," the strange man looked Skeppy straight into his static eyes. "You could have died, it isn't funny."

"It wasn't intentional.." Skeppy mumbled. "Whatever, we're all here & safe now! So, a6d meet Badboyhalo, or Bad, and Bad meet a6d."

I gave him a weak smile. Instead of returning it he just looked straight into my eyes, not saying a word, his eyes glowing furiously.


"What are you doing here? You don't look like you're from here."

I felt a slight sting in my emotions when he said that. Sure, I didn't want to be here and I wasn't from here, but still.

"I don't know, I just woke up in a cave we came from."

He looked suspicious and turned to Skeppy.
"How do you believe this guy? What if he's sided with-"

Skeppy covered Bad's mouth in a panic. "Well, if he was sided with the other side than the static wouldn't have tried to attack him."

Bad nodded and turned back to me, grabbing my wrist.
I tried to pull away, but he was much stronger.

"I'm just checking something."

I sighed and let him pull the sleeve of my sweater up slightly, looking at my wrist.

"You're right then, no mark."

He let go.

"We should all stay together, just to be safe. Say, a6d. Why are you here?"

I took a second to think this.
Why was I here? It wasn't willingly, and I have another life somewhere. I may not remember it, but I know it. These 2 men are for sure associated with it, somehow.
"Actually, I don't know. I have another life somewhere, out of this world. I just can't remember anything, but I know you two are a part of it."

"Ah, we-"

Skeppy cleared his throat, ignoring Bad. "We should really get going to my place or something, it's not the safest here. Even with the 3 of us."

"Right, let's go."

- - - - - - - - - -

Bad, Skeppy and I went to where Skeppy's home was. Surprisingly, it wasn't that far of a walk compared to what then smaller boy and I had been doing for the past few days.

He let both Bad and I have our own room while he took the couch.

I layed there on the bed, just staring into space, deep in thought.

Why am I here? How do I get home?
Where is home?

These thoughts flooded my mind, all becoming so deep so quickly.

I shook my head and tried to focus on staying awake, what'd help me fall asleep easier. But instead, I was distracted by a light coming out from the small creak in the door.

I stood up, feeling compelled to the light coming. On my floor I could see slight greens, reds, all colours.

When I got out and closed my door the lights became brighter, and I saw it all.
Static everywhere once again, taking up what was once the house but is now just an endless void of nothing.

The louds sounds beeping, screaming at me with bright colours.
In the middle of the void stood a single box filled with text.

I felt myself walk up to it, feeling like I am completely out of control.

I want to go back to the room.
I want to go to sleep.
I want to wake up.

"Exception occured."

- - - - - - - - - -

hii, so if you are interested in reading bad and skeppy's point of view from when a6d is in a coma here!! ;

i hope you enjoyed this part, it took me a lot more thought than the others. give me suggestions if you can, or things you'd maybe like to see with this story^^

fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now