act XXV

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Once again, Techno & I were here dueling with our foam swords. We came to enjoy the excersize, getting competitive with it.

I'd never have been able to go agaisnt him in minecraft, except maybe sumo, but here was a lot different. We both had our own pros & cons in our battle styles, balancing them out. It gave us a chance to take our minds off of this all.

I mostly won agaisnt Techno, except for a few memorable times. It was fair enough, his sword was a lot slower than mine. In real battle it'd be fare more damaging than the small fake ones we had with us now, so it wasn't an issue.

Mx had commented on us improving quickly, giving small tips to the each of us during & after our combats. It was tiring for sure, but all of it will be worth it in the end.

"Hey, Mx. Do you have any more news on Bad?" I asked as I blocked a swing coming from Techno, the edges of our swords colliding, causing a disgusting scraping sound. I felt myself cringe at the noise, similar to long, fake nails on a chalk board.

"Sadly, no. I don't have any way to know where they put him. I searched the monster's castle, but not even half of it yet. It's huge, there are many guards, only 1 of me. The only reason I know of the situatuon is because I was there, evesdropping on them when they had the conversation about it."

I tried to use the trick move of Techno, but instead he ran back behind me, managing to get a poke at my back, signaling he'd won.

"I guess you got lucky," the tallest exclaimed, throwing the sword down & sitting down, patting the spot beside him.
I followed his actions, going down beside him & flopping onto my back.

"Aïe," I exclaimed as I felt the rock hit agaisnt my spine, causing a wave of numbness to go ocer it, but quickly passing.

"Be more careful." Mx demanded, snappily. "We can't have you hurt for the battle."

"Yeah, yeah." I waved my hand, brushing off his words.

"Oui oui." Techno whispered, purposely loud enough for me to hear him.
I kicked his foot, causing him to almost fall back. To my misfortune, he'd improved his reflexes, causing him to react quickly to keep himself up.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"We can move on with practices now, you guys can have a small break while I set up the next one; an obstacle course."

Techno & I nodded, to tired to reply.
I sat back up, leaning my head onto his shoulder. He didn't object, just instead tilted his head my way.

I wasn't sure what he was doing, we just stared out at the world around us.
It's so odd, we are going to be back home soon. Sure, I missed it, but I'd also miss this world in some ways. The way physics didn't apply, the powers we had. Going back will be underwhelming, but seeing my friends will for sure make up for it.

"Hey, Techno?" I made sure to keep my voice a whisper, just in case Mx was listening. Most likely not, since it was busy working on the course, but the possiblity of it made me not want to risk it.

"Yeah, baguette guy?"

My eyes rolled at the dumb comment, but I brushed it off easily. "Don't you think going back will be.. I don't know, underwhelming? Boring?"

He sat his head up, causing me to sit up normally as well again.
"Are you having second thoughts, or something?" his eyebrows raised, he lips in a frown.

"NO- god, no. Of course not, I want to go back more than anything. But," I let out a huff. "I'm definetly going to miss the concept of having like, cool magical powers & stuff. I mean, I'm also going to miss some of the people here."

"Ah, yeah.." his voice trailed off in a bittersweet way. "You're right. When we go back, we are going to be complete strangers to each other if we have no memory of this."

His words hit me like a rock, the realization sinking in.
"You're right."

Are we going to remember this when we wake up? If not, what will happen? Techno & I will just think of each other as strangers again, as people in our friend's friend circles. If we did remember, how would we go about things? It'd seem odd to just become friends out of the blue, & nobody would believe us if we told this crazy story.

"I don't know."

He was about to reply before the sound of Mx's electrified voice interrupted him, without apology. "I'm done."

We both got up, returning to an odd silence as Mx explained to us.
I wanted time to think about the whole Techno thing, but I couldn't. Not with our lives on the lines, for sure.

- - - - - - - - - -

After a few hours of training with the obstacle course, trying out new tricks & such, Mx let us return to camp for something to eat. The light was already starting to fade from the sky, darkness creeping into the world.

Dream & Skeppy were nowhere to be seen, most likely in the tent sleeping.
The 2 of us just decided on grabbing a snack & going into our own tent to rest, maybe chat.

At first we sat there in an awkward silence, both looking down.
"Hey, Dave?"

After minutes of silence I finally spoke up.

"Yes, Vince?"

"I wanted to remind you." I looked up at him, as he did the same. Seeing his deep brown eyes almost brought tears to my own, but I held them back in an attempt to not make the scene seem all sappy. "If I don't remember you, I want to say thank you now. I don't think I have properly. You're a really cool guy & very fun to be around, I'm so glad to be your friend. Seriously. Thank you, so much."

He shuffled over to me, wrapping me into a hug.
"Thank you, Vincent. I love you too, no homo."

All good things must come to an end.

fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora