act VII

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This is the truth.

All the memories came flooding back to my mind in an instant.
Meeting Zak & Darryl, moving in with them, the group channel, the crash.

The crash. That god damned crash.

That is what started this all, now I'm stuck here.
Am I dead? Alive? This is all just some simulation.
Skeppy is Zak, & his friend Bad is Darryl. This is why I felt like I knew them, because I do all too well.

Am I ever going to get home? Is this where I live for the rest of my time? In this meaningless, endless void.

It's all just a game.

- - - - - - - - - -

I yawned, stretching my arms and getting out of the comfortable bed I was in.
Last night made me realize some stuff.
Everything that happens here is not real, nothing will affect me in the real world. Here anything is possible.

I looked out my door and saw the world was back to normal.
Outside the door was just Skeppy's kitchen with him & Bad sitting at the counter, having toast & coffee while chatting away.

Both of them were much different from their real selves. Skeppy still had that mischeif in him, but was still more serious & demanding. Bad was the exact opposite, being that clueless & adorable friend who calls everyone muffins, but now being serious, no jokes, no muffins, no fish in buckets. No emotion.

Sighing, I came into the kitchen and greeted the both of them.
The second they took notice of me both their eyes seemed to glow again.
It seemed as whenever I came around it happened.

"Hey, guys. Do you have any apple juice?" I asked, opening the fridge & being stunned at what I saw.

There was barely anything in the fridge, just milk & some fruits & vegtables, along with cheese.

"Uh, no way," Skeppy giggled. "I don't know where you come from, but here stuff like that is soo expensive."

"A luxury, really." Bad added on.

"Wait, how do you have coffee then? It's a lot more expensive." I paused for a second. "Where I come from, at least.."

"That's kinda funny, here a lot of people have 'coffee farms'. They grow coffee beans & sell them off to the factories. It's a pretty common job around here, so coffee is one of the most common drinks. Where you are from must be so strange."

"You could say that.." I let my sentence trail off as I grabbed the milk & a glass, filling it up.

Suddenly I could feel my hand become very hot.
Glancing down at it, I almost screamed but just covered my mouth with my other hand in time not to.

My palm was burning, literally. Through the small cracks in it gave a orange glow, with smaller flames erupting.
It looked beautiful, and weirdly enough didn't hurt.

For a moment I admired it, than looked over to tell Bad & Skeppy but stopped myself.

On the counter Bad had his hand palm down. Underneath it I could see it glowing the same tint of orange mine currently was.


fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat