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Through the next few days Bad, Dream & Skeppy all talked together.

Dream had started to warm up to Bad slightly, learning he wasn't as arrogant & self absorbed as he'd seemed at first.

Techno & I were discussing our 'escape plan'. The both of us agreed on the name, seeming as it was like a prison here.

We talk about our theories of the YT monster. We weren't to sure if it was youtube, but that'd make sense in this world.

Fallen is just some pun game on youtube & the bullshit of it's creators. The purpose of this game is for us, the competiters to suffer under their effect; like puppets on strings.

"What relevance did that building that Skeppy & I escaped from have to it? The town, everything." He asked.

For a second we both thought deeply about it.

"The way they pick favourites could be the government here. Once Dream explained to me they seem to pick favourites for things."

"How they abuse their creators. Trap them in a shitty contract."

He nodded in agreement, letting out a long sigh.

"Don't you worry," I reassured him, looking him dead in the eyes. "They'll pay."

- - - - - - - - - -

Bad was seeming to catch onto Techno & my strange behaviours. I couldn't blame the guy, Techno & I acted like we were life long friends when we'd just met several days ago.

Days? Weeks? I haven't kept track of the time we were here. It'd seemed like forever since I'd been with the comfort of Darryl & Zak, all I wanted was them. The real them.

I can't wait to go home.

- - - - - - - - - -

"Oh my goodness, Skeppy. Who's th-"

The familiar voice of Bad filled the tent, causing me to awake from the light sleep I'd been it.

"Hey, guys." I stretched my arms behind my head, letting out a yawn & rubbing my eyes.

"Oh, hey, Vince." Skeppy stretched as well, letting out a yawn & winking to Bad.

That's when I noticed it.
Their eyes were normal, their normal real life eyes. Vince? They don't know my real name here.

"What's that for?" Darryl asked.

"Not sure," Skeppy replied.

The 2 looked at me confused.
"Darryl. Zak?" My voice was quiet, shaky. It was hard to talk, my throat felt like it was closing up again, bringing the memories of the other night.

I tried to brush them off, paying attention to the present. My 2 friends were here in what is now my reality? How?

"Yeah?" the both of them replied at once, just as confused as I was.

No more static or demon faces, just.. them.

I dived at them, engulfing them into a hug. I wanted to yell at them, ask them to bring me back with them. Ask them if they are okay, why they are here, if I am going to live.

"What?!" Zak looked at me dangerously. Those deep brown puppy eyes, ones that begged for me to help him troll our best friend, that have cried so many tears, faced so many battles. Ones that saved so many people.

I got off of them, looking over now to Darryl.
"It's me, Vincent. it's actually me." I managed to choke out. "How are you guys here?"

Darryl muttered something I couldn't hear, followed by a mumble from Zak.
The only word I'd heard from it was 'crazy', what was well enough to understand.

"No, you don't get it. Listen to me, both of you. I'm trapped here. I remember everything. The crash, you guys. Both of you are in this world, but so different. How are you he- ARE YOU OKAY?"

"Yes we're fine, both of us- right, Zak?"

For a moment Zak's expression seemed lost, but he snapped back just as quickly. He gave a simple nod.

"How are you guys here then?" my thoughts were running crazy.

Did they get hurt?

"I don't know, this is r-"
I interrupted Darryl's words, noticing them starting to fade out of sight.

Quickly bringing my sleeve down, I shoved my wrist to them, revealing the scars.
Tears burned the edges of my eyes, I had to be strong. For them.


"NO!" Zak jumped on me, his words becoming muffled. He clung onto my sleeve as tight as his small hands could, starting to sob.

I started stroking his hair, trying to comfort him.
"It's okay," I exclaimed, knowing well he couldn't hear me at this point.

I'd been through it many times to know well enough what he was experiencing.
Darryl seemed more layed back, until he jumped at me as well, starting to cry.

Muffled words came from his mouth.
I looked down to him, his eyes. The last time I'd be seeing those gems in a long time. The shone with tears, strength & pain at the same time.

Now they were gone.
I never even got to tell them what I wanted.

Falling back to my bed, I started crying quietly. Many emotions came over me at once.

Happiness, I got to see my friends.

Sadness, they are gone.

Anger, they were taken away from me.

Not just now, but through this whole thing. They were taken from my grasp, something I'd taken for granted. I'd taken them for granted, thinking everything would always be perfect. But no, everything always has to end someway badly for me. Nothing ever goes right for Mr. French guy Vincent, does it?

"I'm so sick of this. I'm exhausted. I want to go back, let me go. Just let me go."

- - - - - - - - - -

I could feel their cries of protest, agony. Pain.
All of it fueling me, them bringing my malicious power to control this universe.
The boys don't understand, the more time he waits, the stronger I get.
Both of them grieving in this world, wanting to go home. But to their misfortune, it will never happen.

Dipping my finger into the large pool of ink, I started to write on the notepad.
A line of coding, one that will bring them right into my trap.

fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant