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"We have 2 more days. Work your hardest, you two."

Techno & I nodded.
Now, we were doing bow 1v1s, with harmless arrows of course.

I was far better at weilding a bow, while Techno was better with his sword. Mx had told us we were just about in the right spot to fight, & it was very close to the date what we would.

"I'm kind of excited, not gonna lie." I exclaimed as I shot another arrow straight into the target, where an enemy's heart would be.

"Honestly same. I always wondered what it'd be like to fight like Minecraft in real life. Here we are."

"What do you think it will look like?"

"Ohh, I don't know.." he paused for a second, in thought. "Big, scary? Unfair?"

An audible groan came from Mx.
"You two sound like children."

I shrugged, smiling to Techno as we continued on.

The day continued on, as boring as ever. Techno & I were starting to mess around a bit more than usual, knowing it'd be our final days together.
Soon enough, we'd return to our old, normal lives once again. We could forget this all.

- - - - - - - - - -

I was awoken by the sound of a screech, similar to the ghasts we'd once ran into.

It was only a second before I was shaking Techno, causing him to wake up. *mmediatly, he was on alert.
"Why'd y-"

I covered his mouth, keeping silence.
He listened to the screaming, crashing.

I leaned closed to his ear, than whispered.
"They're here."

He sped over to his bag, grabbing any weapons he could.
"Remember what Mx taught us?"

"Yeah- MX!" I stuffed my hand into my pocket, grabbing the little thing out.

It was immediatly woken, cranky.
"Why'd you wake me?!"

"Mx. It's here. They're here."

Soon enough we all were prepared. Mx was in his "humane" form, with his own guns. He had 2 for each hand, they were identical. Electricity ran off the edges, flowing all down him. It gave him an odd new look, one more intimidating than before.

"Quickly, put these on."
He handed us bags, through them I could feel clothing & hard surfaces. Most likely armour, I thought.

We obeyed his orders, going back to the tent to put our things on.

"Techno." I exclaimed, looking up to the male who was now putting on protective armour on his wrists, under his red jacket.

His voice was quiet, seemed scared. I'd never heard him like this before, in videos or anywhere.

"Honestly.. I'm scared."
My eyes burned on the edge of tears. Neither of us were expecting them to come so quickly, yet here they were, prepared to take us down.

Once we finished, he came & placed a hand on my shoulder, smiling down at me.
"We can do this."

I looked over the taller brunette. He looked bareky different than before, as the armour was under our clothes. His hair was in a mess, he looked tired yet determined. His eyes were fierce, ready to fight.

Oddly enough, he gave me a sense of determination.
We have each other. We can do this.

As we walked out of the tent, I glanced over to the other our A.I. friends shared. They sat outside of it, confused & scared, sharing a blanket over them.
Skeppy didn't seem to be as upset as Dream, he most likely had more of a sense what was going on. I don't believe Techno ever told Dream he wasn't from here, just somehow met each other.

"Skeppy, Dream." I headed over to them, clearing my throat. "Dream, Skeppy will explain to you after I finish talking, but.. Techno & I are going back home. We are going to free you guys, I promise. This time we will win."

Skeppy's eyes teared up, Dream even more in confusion.
The short, blue hooded boy came up to me & looked into my eyes.

Regardless of it only being static, I could see the pain they held. It seemed so real, I wanted to hug him in that moment.
But I couldn't.

"Thank you, A6d." he whispered, going back to Dream.

Turning back to Techno, I nodded.
I came back over to the two, then listened to Mx.

"Okay, here are your instructions." He made hand gestured along his words. "They are below us, hundreds of them. There are the weak, the medium, & the only truley strong one is the monster himself & his little apprentice. You two will fight off the smaller ones, I'll come in behind & finish them off. We will work out way up to the monster, where he waits. Do you two have your things ready?"

We nodded, holding our swords up.
"Okay. Let's go."

Techno & I ran to the ledge, looking down below.
The drop was far, but we knew how to go down & land perfectly. Mx had given us shoes specially for this, so if we just landed on our feet, we'd be fine.

"We can't wait, it's now or never. We have no time for never," I exclaimed, jumping down without a thought.
Quickly enough, I landed down on the hard, stone.
I looked back up to Techno, who also was preparing the jump. He saluted to me with his 2 index & middle finger, than jumped down.

Like me, he landed safetly.
We diverted out attention to the mobs coming at us.

Hundreds of them, all coming around us in a circle.

"Well," Techno exclaimed, grinning to me. "You know what's true? Zombies are the easiest to defeat."

I nodded, returning the expression, diving at the swarm of them.
The sound of my sword slashing through the air & body parts being chopped off sounded like music at this time. My real sword was far more faster & damaging than the flismy ones Techno & I once used for training. It seemed so distant now, yet we had just been 12 hours ago.

I could smell the already rotting flesh rotting once again, the horrid scent burning my nostrils.
Physics, huh.

I could feel the body parts underneath my feet, the squish of the guts & decayed skin. The zombies cried out as they died, reminding me once they were citizens of this fucked up world.

I could hear Techno farther back behind me, his sword creating a loud cling sound as it barged through the swarms.

All so quickly, we were back to back, ready to fight of the last of them. There were only about 100 left, no issue.
Together, we stormed at them. As a team we used our weapons & agility to back one another up, the adrenaline high in the moment.

I felt a hand clatch onto my wrist. The texture of the zombie's skin felt disgusting, revolting. Similar to if you had thousands of small worms climbing all over you, bleeding out.


It was about to pull my wrist to it's mouth for a bite, but a crimison red liquid came flying my way, splattering onto my cheek.

I looked beside me to see Techno had taken care of it, it being the last of the zombie swarm to encounter.

"Thank you," I whispered to him, going back to our next oppponents.

Ghasts, once again.
This will be no issue.

fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now