act XVII

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The next day Techno & I had no time alone to create our plan as it was filled with Dream's demands & hours of walking once again.

Oddly, Skeppy was quiet for most of it, keeping his head down & occasionally mumbling to himself.

"Hey man, are you doing okay?" my voice was slightly scratchy from last night.

"I.. am. yeah." he sighed, expression lost.

"That was a dumb question- no you are not. So," I took a second to let out a cough. "Tell me what's wrong. You can't deny it."

Another sigh came from him, this time out of clear annoyance.

"I just miss Bad. I just got to see him again after months, we'd never been apart for that long. He's probably worried about us, if not himself."

The last part of his sentence confused me.
If not himself?
"What do you mean, Skeppy? Can you reword it?"

"I take it English isn't your first language?"

"It's that obvious?"

"You have an accent."
He has a point.

"Yeah.. Um, I speak French."
Silence filled the air for a few seconds before I spoke up again. "You have more than 1 languages here?"

"Yeah, we have like.. hundr-"
He was cut off by a sudden scream.

The four of us looked to where it had came from.
In the sky was an odd, white entity. It's eyes were closed, crying some sort of substance as it's high pitch shrills filled the air.
It's eyes opened wide, revealing large, firing red pupils. It screamed at us again, spitting out a fireball.

"GHASTS!" I yelled, grabbing the 2 nearest people to me, Dream & Skeppy's arms.

"GET DOWN!" Before I'd even started saying that, Techno had reached into the bag, pulling out a frying pan.

Meanwhile, the other 3 of us were on the ground, covering our heads.
I made a crack between my fingers to look at Techno, I assumed the others were doing the same.

The fireball came soaring, we were all prepared for the worst.
But to our suprise, as the flaming ball of death clashed against the pan, it was sent flying back to the ghast.

"The fireballs can be reflected!" Dream yelled, jumping up.

Of course, I forgot!
Both Skeppy & I jumped up as well, searching through the bag to find something to reflect the flying spheres.

I had managed to find a mirror, Skeppy a large knife of some sort, & Dream was left with nothing useful.

"Just stay behind us, avoid the fire balls at all costs." Skeppy exclaimed, reflecting one.

Dream co-operated, backing up yet staying close enough to us.

More ghasts started crowing around, sending more & more fireballs.

As quick as they were coming, we were destroying them.
As our fireballs flew to the ghasts, the strong smell of rotten flesh filled the air.

Their 'skin' burned to the impact, firing up down to their bones, causing them to scream louder than ever.

"I don't know how long we can keep this up, there's so many of them.." Techno sounded hopeless, almost.

All in a sudden, they started falling into lava.
Looking to my right, I saw a figure cloaked in a familiar dark hood shooting at them.

None of the ghasts focused their attention to him, but rather to us, the bigger group.

He continued to shoot at them with some sort of strong, one hit bows as we fired back, eventually eliminating them all.

"Whew, thank god." Techno wiped his forhead, tossing the pan on the ground, than sitting near the bag.

Bad came running over, immediatly grabbing Skeppy into a huge hug.

"SKEPPY! Don't you ever get in trouble like that again!"
Skeppy hugged him back for a minute, starting to cry silently on his friend's shoulder.

"Bad," I heard him mumble some other inaudible things.

"Who's this?" Dream eyed Bad suspiciously.

Techno & I just looked at each other, smiling stupidly.
- - - - - - - - - -

Dream & Bad didn't seem to have it out for each other, oddly enough.

They both seemed mad at each other, but tried to hide it best they can.
I seemed to be the only one noticing, as Techno & Skeppy, along with the other 2 were distracted by telling each other stories.

Bad & Dream tried to act nice around each other, but I could see in Dream's expression that he had distaste in Bad's stories.

He was telling stories about journies & missions he'd been on in the past. Skeppy sometimes interrupted him mid sentence, seeming to know all of them.

"This place is very ironic," I thought to myself, looking down at my sleeved wrists.

If they knew, what'd happen? Would Techno be the only one to react to this?

If they knew.

If they knew.

fallen (a6d, bbh & skeppy)Where stories live. Discover now