Chapter 25

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Ariana's POV

"So you're coming to my sleepover, right?" Emma asks as I gather my books from my locker.

"Yeah, sure." I smile.

"That's the first time that I've seen you smile for real in awhile. Is that Mason kid treating you well?" Emma asks as I shut my locker.

"Yeah, he's great."

"And he's hot, too."

"Emma!" I blush and laugh.

"What? It's true." She laughs. I roll my eyes and giggle.

"Wait, is Andi going to be at the sleepover?" I ask, suddenly feeling my stomach knot.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I've been planning this sleepover for awhile now and it was before the whole mess that happened-"

"Emma, it's fine. I'm not mad at you. She's your friend, I'm not going to control your life."

"Okay, I still feel bad. I guess we will just see how tonight goes."

That night @ Emma's house

I knock on the door, holding my sleeping bag and pillow. Emma opens the door, smiling. I smile back as she lets me inside.

Maddie, Sophie, and Katy are all chatting on the couch. Andi and Gigi are talking to each other while sitting on the floor. I take a deep breath and set my stuff down.

"Okay, guys! Now that everyone is here, it's time to start the party games!" Emma exclaims.

"Oh, I have an idea! Let's play Magic Truth or Dare!" Maddie claps her hands together.

"For those of you that don't have powers, one of us can just cast a spell for you. Does everyone understand?" Everybody nods and we all get into a circle.

Jax's POV

"This is going to be so much fun!" Daniel exclaims. Diego and I both shush him.

"Are you sure this plan will work?" Diego whispers.

"I'm positive. We just need to turn into girls and they will let us inside and we can see what girls do at sleepover."

"Isn't a little strange for them to let a bunch of strangers inside?"

"They are girls. They'll try to be good people and let us in. Are you guys ready?"

"This is going to be so gross, but okay." Diego shudders.

"Here goes nothing. We are boys as you can see, now girls we shall be." I snap my fingers and open my eyes. All of us look at each other.

"Woah. Ew, even my voice is girly." Diego complains.

"I have boobs. Boobies, boobies, boobies." Daniel rubs his chest.

"Stop, Dan. Are you guys ready?" I ask, about to knock on the door.

"As we'll ever be."

Ariana's POV

"Who could that be?" Emma asks.

"I've never seen those girls before." Maddie furrows her eyebrows.

"It's the boys. Jax, Daniel, and Diego." We all giggle.

"Should we let them in?" Katy asks.

"Of course, it'll be so much fun to mess with them." Maddie smirks. Emma rises and almost runs to the door. She swings it open and we see the boys as girls.

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