Chapter 9

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Jax's POV

After Classes

"Jax, do you promise you won't say anything to Maddie about it?" Ariana asks after we leave our last class. She told me everything and to be honest, I'm pretty pissed. That was low, even for Maddie.

"Ari, you can't expect me to-"

"Jax, please." Ari pleads. She gives me her puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, alright. I won't say anything." I sigh and she smiles.

"Okay, so do you want to hang with the gang later? Emma just texted me." Ariana shows me the proof on the phone. I laugh and nod.

"Sounds like fun." I smile.

"Alright, I have to get home. I'll see you later." She hugs me tightly and I squeeze her back. I smell her sweet perfume and breathe it in.

"Bye, Ari." I watch her walk away. Now, I have to go talk to Maddie. Alright, so I'm going to break my promise. I don't feel too good about doing it, but what can I say? Promises are like bones. Sometimes you just have to break them.

I walk down to Maddie's house and knock lightly on the door. Maddie's mom answers it, looking confused. I smile and tell her that I came to see Maddie about something.

"Sure, Jax. C'mon in." She lets me in and walks me to the living room.

"I have an appointment for a manicure, you kids have fun." She rushes out of the room. Diego, Maddie, Katy, and Sophie all walk in from the bedroom.

"Ew, why are you here?" Maddie looks disgusted.

"To set you in your place. What you said to Ariana was wrong." I firmly state.

"Wait, Maddie what did you say to Ariana?" Diego looks at her with a questioning face.

"Let me shed some light on the situation. Maddie started bullying Ariana at her locker and making fun of her. You even said that her parents are ashamed of her!" I raise my voice.

"Well, whatever. It's not like I haven't said those kind of things to other people before." She rolls her eyes and Diego looks disappointed.

"Well, I'll inform you that her parents died in a car accident over the summer. Do you have a comeback for that?" I fold my arms. Her jaw drops and she looks at Diego. Diego looks still disappointed in her, maybe a little bit more now.

"I-I didn't know that. How the hell was I supposed to know that?" Maddie growls.

"What is this feeling I have inside of me, it makes me want to puke!" She exclaims.

"Guilt?" Diego rolls his eyes.

"Make it stop!"

"You're the only one that can do that. But in the mean time.. It looks like you've hit a bump in the road, so turn Maddie Van Pelt into a toad." I look over at Maddie who is now a green amphibian. I walk away with a smile on my face and leave the house. I hear footsteps running after me and turn around to Diego.

"Wait, Jax!" He catches up to me.


"Look I know what she did wasn't right, and I'm pretty mad at her right now. She promised over the summer that she would take the bullying to a minimum. But, could you please change her back?" Diego asks with pleading eyes.

"It's only temporary. She will change back within an hour." I shrug and then march my way to the pizza parlor where I am supposed to hang with Ari and the gang. Man, it feels good to have done something right.

Ariana's POV

"He said that he's be here, maybe he's just running late." I say and twirl my hair with my finger.

"I wonder what's keeping him." Emma taps her finger on the desk. They all keep on giving me weird looks and I want to know what's up with it.

"What's with all the silence and weird looks?" I ask eyeing all three of them. Andi looks in the other direction, Daniek munches on his pizza, and Emma bites her nails.

"C'mon, guys. I thought we were friends."

"We are, Ariana. But, Jax told us something today and we want to know if it's true." Emma states and they all turn their attention to me.

"Are you a witch?" They all ask in unison. Jax told them? Without my permission? That boy...

"Uh, well, you see... yes, yes I am." I twiddle my thumbs.

"Yay! Another witch who isn't Maddie!" Emma exclaims. Andi folds her arms and Daniel smiles.

"Sorry, I'm late guys I was just-"

"Save it, Jax. Why did you tell them I was a witch without my permission?" I stand up next to him.

"Uh, I didn't think it would matter..."

"Jax, it was supposed to be a secret." I sigh.

"Where were you?" I fold my arms and look him in the eye.

"I was helping my uncle with building his new shed." He breaks eye contact.

"Mhm, yeah, I'm sure. Now what were you actually doing?"

"I was...I was over Maddie's..." He scratches the back of his head.

"Wow, Jax. Just wow." I shake my head at him and then storm out of the pizza place. I can hear his footsteps behind me, but I keep on walking.

"Look, I'm sorry I broke our promise. I couldn't just let her get away with that!" He raises his voice, still coming after me.

"Does our trust mean nothing to you? I trusted you, Jax. But, you just proved me wrong."

"Ari, you're my best friend. I didn't mean to break your trust, I was just trying to help you-"

"Help me? How on earth would that help me?! Now things are going to be ten times worst." I huff. Jax somehow caught up with me and spins me around to face him. I can't even look him in the eye.

"Ari, I'm sorry." He says and I fold my arms, still not looking at him.

"Ari, please." Jax pleads taking my small hands in his bigger ones.

"Look at me." He moves one of his hand to my face and makes me look in his direction.

"Can you forgive me?"

"Jax, I-"

"Please, Ari. I can't lose you." He frowns.

"Fine, I forgive you. But, don't mess it up, Novoa."


Alright everyone! I made an Instagram and it's @everywitchway512

I post edits and everything so go check it out and follow! Also, I want to thank you all for over 500 reads! thank you so much! ily all!

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Lots of love ~ Trinity xoxo

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