Chapter 7

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Jax's POV

I wake up with Ariana still in my arms. I can't be falling for her, I just can't. Okay, I'll admit it. I'm afraid to fall in love after the whole Emma thing.

She treated me like nothing. I was just her rebound and then she went back to Daniel. I am still recovering from that.

Ariana just seemed so scared last night. I just wanted to be there for her, I wanted to be her shoulder to cry on. Who am I? Ever since I came to Iridium High, I've gotten something I've never had before. Feelings.

I feel Ariana shift and watch her open her eyes. I smile at her, I always seem to be taken back by her beauty. Stop it, Jax. You don't want to fall for her.

"Morning, Jax." She says blankly.

"Good morning." I smile, hoping for her to mirror my expression. Ariana smiles back at me and I give myself a mental high five.

"Do you want to talk about your nightmares?"

"Jax, it's hard to explain..."

"I'm a pretty good listener."

"I know, but I always feel like I'm such a bother to you."

"A bother? You're the complete opposite! I love having you around, Ari."

"Really?" Ariana asks with wide eyes.

"Yes. Ever since you moved to Iridium High, my works has just gotten better. You keep me on my feet. You're like my rock, Ari." I squeeze her and she giggles.

"Awe, thanks Jax. And same to you." Ariana lays her head on my shoulder.

"You know what, I think I'm actually ready to tell you." Ariana lifts her head to make eye contact with me. I smile and nod, waiting for her to start. Ari take a deep breath and then begins to explain her worst nightmare.

"I had a dream about my parents' accident. I was in the car with them. We were heading to my first music gig."

"Wait, you can sing?"

"And play piano. Anyways, I was really excited about it and so were my parents. We were on our way and the truck in the passing lane kept on getting closer and closer to us. Until, it hit our back tire and we spiraled out of control. And then my world went black." I can feel her tears soaking my shirt. I can't even imagine what that was like for her.

"The other one I had once I was here was about waking up in the hospital. The doctors told me that my parents had died and I just couldn't believe them. I ran down the hall and found their room, and sure enough, I saw their dead bodies." Ariana stops and I can just see the look of horror on her face.

"I can't help but think that the accident was my fault. It was my gig and if I just wouldn't have opened my mouth-"

"Ari, don't say that. There was nothing you could've done. It is NOT your fault." I stop her. I couldn't listen to her nonsense, thinking that this was her fault.

"Well, by the way, that's why I have major stage fright now. I just get so many memories when I start to sing that I have to stop. When I'm alone it's okay, but in front of anyone, it's impossible." I just nod and try to understand. This was hard for her to say to me, this means she really trusts me. I smile at the thought, but quickly shake it out of my head.

"Hey, to make things a little more positive, why don't we go make some pancakes?" I ask, trying to lighten the mood.

"That sounds awesome." She smiles and we climb out of bed.

Ariana's POV

Jax and I leave his room and head to the kitchen. He said that his aunt and uncle had to work this weekend, so it's just us. I just told him everything. And I mean everything. I wonder how he took it.

I haven't forgotten that he kissed me on the head last night either. Did it mean something? Was he just being friendly? Am I just overthinking everything because I like him? I just don't know.

"Well, here's the kitchen." Jax states.

"It's nice, nicer then my aunt's."

"You never talk about your aunt-"

"There's nothing to talk about." Thank god he stopped talking about her then and there. I am still made at her for selling my mom's stuff.

Jax takes out the flour, bowls, and the rest of the supplies to make pancakes. I start to help him and he instructs me to get the flour. I listen and grab the flour and pour it in the bowl, accidentally get some on his hand.

"Sorry." I immediately say and he laughs. I turn toward him and he throws flour all over my shirt.

"Jax!" I laugh.

"Oops, sorry." Jax chuckles and I take some flour into my hand and throw it at him. I guess I had more then I thought, because it gets all in his hair and face. I cover my mouth to contain my laughter.

"You're gonna get it, Winters." Jax smirks. I run in the other direction, but his hands grip my waist. I yell playfully, screaming his name, just as I am showered in flour. We both fall to the ground in laughter, both of us clutching our stomachs.

"So much for pancakes." I laugh.

"I love your laugh. It's honestly adorable." Jax smiles at me. I can feel my cheeks get hot and grin.

"I like yours, too." His random flirts always seem to leave me searching for words. Are they flirts?

"Let's actually make some pancakes now." Jax chuckles.

"Yeah, sounds great." I smile and we start the baking process all over again.


Anyone else ship Jari? ;D

Don't forget to Vote and don't be shy, go ahead and comment!

Oh and by the way, guys! My name is Trinity.

Thanks again!

~Trinity xoxo

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