Rain Rain

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Being  a doctor made beam good in one thing other than seeing sick people. That is to sleep anytime, anywhere and in any situation. That was what beam was doing right now. He was clinging to the tree  branch and sleeping peacefully. The 72 hour duty is getting up to him. Beam had no idea that he was watched by someone who was confused about the behaviour of the sleeping doctor. He has never seen anyone like him. He doesn't know whether to call this person stupid or brave.

"Doctor wake up" forth said to the pale man who was sleeping. He gave the little man a slight shake.

"Sorry I dozed off" beam said to forth rubbing his eyes. In forth eyes he looked cute. Really cute.

"It's OK.  We have to find the way back to home" forth said to beam and started climbing off the tree. Beam just nodded and followed the big guy.

"Don't you have phone?" Beam asked forth once he climbed off the tree.

"I do have a cell phone but the problem is there is no service and my battery is about to die" forth replied and started to trace back the trail so that he can find the way back.

The journey was silent. They both were hungry and tired. No matter what forth tries. It looks like the walked deep inside the forest instead of moving out.

"Can we rest for few minutes I am tired" beam asked forth and settled down. He didn't wait for his reply. Forth was really amused he only used to giving orders to others. He saw the petite doctor who was pushing him as he like. What was more shocking is that forth was obeying to every oder of that little man.

"Sorry you got pulled into this mess because of me" forth said to beam.

"This is something expected when you have that kind of lifestyle." Beam replied to forth.

"Are you not scared? You are in a unpleasant situation and you do know anything can happen to us now right? " forth asked the guy. He cannot resist asking that.

"There is not a single soul who would not be afraid in this situation. Of course I was afraid and i am afraid but what is the point in being afraid. We have to find a way out one way or another. If we have to survive" beam replied to forth. Forth had no comeback for that.

"Let's go doctor. Looks like it is going to rain. We have to find our way out soon" forth said and started to walk again.

"Can I ask you something?" Beam asked forth. Forth just nodded his head asking him to continue with his questions.

Before beam can ask anything. Cloudburst happened. They both were completely drenched in rain. As the time passes they both were starting to lose their strength and beam was starting to shiver due to the cold weather.

"Stay here let me find something for you to eat" forth said to beam and started to go get something to eat. But beam grabbed the man jacket.

"Don't go I don't want you to get lost. I have no strength to come and find you if you get lost" beam said to the holding the elder one closer to him.

"I won't go far away doctor. I will be back soon" forth said to beam.

"Then I will come with you" beam said to forth and stood up ready to follow forth.

Forth who was watching every move of beam was sure of one thing. Beam was very tired and he has no strength left. The climate was not doing any good to him to. The little shivers by beam didn't go unnoticed by forth. Though he wanted the small guy to follow him everywhere. He knows it not the time for it. He also knows the guy needs some rest. Forth is used to the rough environment but not the handsome doctor.

"Save your strength doctor. You might need it later" I will go and come in a jiff forth said.

"Please don't go, I am afraid" beam said ... and his eyes closed before he can say anything else.

Forth looked at the man who was fainted in his embrace. He has no idea what should be done now?

Twisted Love The Series (Forth Beam)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz