A ride in car

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The night was completely dark since it was new moon day. There was no light other than the head lights. The melody was taking him from one place to another. He was completely  exhausted for the day. His eyes were literally drooping. He can barely keep his eyes open. He was not able to open his eyes no matter how hard he tries it. He was tired and has not slept properly for days. His entire body was aching. He dozed into dreamland without his own knowledge.

Forth drove the car slow on purpose. He doesn't want to wake the little man up. He just looked at the man who was beside him. He know nothing much about him but still there was a warm feeling that came to his heart when he looked at the man. He is someone who belong to the light that is what came to his mind when he looked at him. He don't want to enter into the man's life and make it a mess. When he sees the man he found out how much he missed being a human being. He is someone who save life on the other hand forth is someone who take the life. They both are at the extreme end.

Forth made his mind that this day will be the last day that he will come near to this man. Forth feeling was running wild. All the superseded  feeling busted out from his chest. His eyes became wet without his own knowledge. He misses his parents warmness. He misses his home. Forth quickly wiped his eyes before the tears can come down.

He cannot be weak. He can never be weak.  Lot of life is depending on him. The only thing that he can do is to keep himself away from others. The more he stands alone the less damage he cause others. Like a ticking BOAM.



Beam who had no idea that he has drifted to sleep woke up with a jeark and a loud noise accompanied.  He was startled for a moment. It took him few seconds to gain composure.

"Beam duck..." Forth was yelling and pushed beam out of the way. They were being fired. The main thing that forth wanted to do was to save beam. He cannot fight with the little man next to him. They will only use the man as his weakness and try to threaten him with beam. So his first instinct was to flee the place with beam. Forth ran into the nearby forest taking beam along with him.  Forth clearly knows that their target was him and not beam but  he was afraid to let go of beam. There is a lot of chance that they cage beam. He doesn't want any harm to be fall on beam for helping him. Forth owe beam and decided to save him with everything he has.

"What is happening here?" Beam asked forth who was currently busy pulling beam with him.

"I am not quite sure of the situation but I am sure that we are under attack" forth replied to beam.

"I can understand to that extend. I won't be a doctor if not. Where are you taking me?" Beam asked forth.

"I am trying to find a place e safe for us to hide. It's dark already. They won't be able to follow us much" forth replied to beam.

"How well do you know the terrain forth?" Beam asked forth

"Not much but I am sure my survival skills will help us" Forth replied.

"Your survival skills will get us trapped. They can't see us properly but out foot steps will let them know. Do you know to climb tree?" Beam asked forth and pulled forth to climb a thick bushy tree that can hide them both.

"Climb we will talk when there is light" beam said safely settled on one of the branch.

He knows he cannot continue to hide here but he knows that it will camouflage them till the light arrives.

Twisted Love The Series (Forth Beam)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя