Ruby giggled.

(Y/N): We've got normal, old, boring guns. I don't know what else to tell you.

Ruby: Any others.

(Y/N): Oh, uh, nukes. I guess.

Ruby: What's that?

(Y/N): You don't know what a nuke is?

Ruby: No.

(Y/N): Your regions have to really like each other then.

Ruby: You could say that, the whole anti faunus thing is still exists.

(Y/N): We don't have faunus, so... But anyway, a nuke is basically a real big bomb.

Ruby: How big?

(Y/N): Dangerously big, like, wipes out multiple countries big.

Ruby: Why would you have something like that?

(Y/N): No clue, ask the idiots that made the damn things.

The both of them shared another laugh.

Ruby: What do you do?

(Y/N): Well, I'm just a normal collage student, apart from the fact that I skipped a few grades.

Ruby: You skipped grades?

(Y/N): Yeah, cuz' I'm smart. Proof of that is the whole multidimensional transporter thing.

Ruby: What to you learn? Must be hard.

(Y/N): I guess... It's just a bunch of science and maths subjects.

Ruby: No combat subjects?

(Y/N): Earth doesn't have Grimm walking around, there's no need learn that stuff.

Ruby: Boooooooriiiiing.

(Y/N): Correct.


Ruby and (Y/N) got off the bullhead and went back to the dormitory to drop the supplies off in Powerful (Y/N)'s room. There were already a set of supplies stored in there.

(Y/N): One of the groups must have gotten back already.

Ruby: It was Weiss', this is her handwriting.

(Y/N) looked over to Ruby, who was reading a note on her dorm door.

Ruby: My team's at the training arena.

(Y/N): Let's head over then.

The two of them then started to walk in the direction of the training arena. During the walk, (Y/N) tried to put his arm around Ruby slowly, not knowing if she would like that. Luckily, she responded with leaning her head on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

They walked into the arena to see Reference (Y/N) and Powerful (Y/N) having a battle in the centre of the room, this startled (Y/N) and Ruby as they were worried about what has happened.

Weiss: Over here!

The two love birds looked at Weiss, who was sitting with Yang and Blake sitting to her left. Yang didn't move her eyes of the fight that was occurring in front of her. Blake was staring at Weiss' laptop which she had on her lap. (Y/N) and Ruby sat next to Blake.

(Y/N): You guys get everything?

Weiss: Yeah, but bank account took a major hit.

Yang noticed (Y/N) and Ruby.

Yang: You guys are back? How'd it go?

(Y/N): Got everything, so it went well.

Ruby: It went really well.

Ruby lent of (Y/N)'s shoulder.

Yang: Good for you, Ruby.

(Y/N) look at Weiss' laptop, that was displaying a Wattpad story.

(Y/N): What'cha reading?

Blake: I found a story about team STRQ. It's takes place back when they were in Beacon.

Ruby: Wait, really? Let me see.

Ruby lent over (Y/N) to get a better look at the screen, this caused (Y/N)'s arm to be pushed and hit the back of the laptop. The screen went a familiar white and began to vibrate in Blake's hands.

Blake: Oh no.

Weiss: What's going on- WHAT DID YOU GUYS DO!

Ruby: Sorry.

(Y/N): Doesn't matter, just do something.

Blake turned the laptop of face the arena. A flash was shone to light up the entire room, but it didn't blind anyone. A girl in a white cape and hood slowly stood up to face the opposite direction of Team RWBY and (Y/N). She was a couple rows of seating in front of the five onlookers.

???: What was that?

Her hood fell off to reveal hair that was very similar to Ruby's, but it was longer and was more red than black. She instinctively turned around to fix it. She was met with the stares and glares of Team RWBY and (Y/N), she had silver eyes.

Blake and Weiss thought this girl was some kind of other Ruby. However, Yang, Ruby and (Y/N) knew exactly who was standing before them.

Ruby: Mum?


A new story has entered the arena, and it's Team STRQ X Male Reader by . Why this story? I wanted a story where Summer was alive and young and this was the first readerx story that appeared when I searched for "strq". I also read through the entire thing as it's only ten parts long. So a secondary reason is to show some love. Can I just point out that my story has so many reads it has a K and a decimal point now. Over 1300 reads! Just wow. You guys, I swear, go outside, or something, actually, stay inside, you have no idea 'bout the dangers out there. But seriously, calm yourselves down. I cya next chapter.

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