Yandere Rejecting Wife Blake x OC Rejected Best Friend/Ronin (Part 2)

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Blake: *in her head* 'Don't you dare talk to my Kevin! He's mine! Not yours!"

Katherine: "Why don't we catch up for a cup of coffee?"

Kevin: "Sounds good." *looks at Blake* "I'll see you later Blake."

Blake: *saddened* "Oh, okay."

Kevin and Katherine then walks away to the coffee store and Blake walks back home and heading to her room.

Blake: *in anger* "Kevin's back. And that bitch is stealing him from me. And I was about to spend time with him. No matter, that bitch is going to die and I will have Kevin myself. He's only mine! Mine! Heh-Ha-Hahahahaha!!"

Blake laughs crazily more as she heard the front door opening.

Sun: "Blake! I'm home!"

Blake slowly stops laughing and make a huge smirk.

Blake: *in her head* 'Since Kevin is back...I am no longer married to Sun.'

She smirks while grabbing her weapon as she went downstairs to see Sun.

Sun: "Sup Blakey."

Blake: *in her head* 'Only Kevin calls me Blakey! Not you!'

Sun: "Um, are you okay?"

Blake: "No. I'm not. I'm just sick."

Sun: "Sick of what?"

Blake then cuts Sun's head off and his lifeless body fell to the floor as she laughs crazy.

Blake: "Sick of loving you! You are dead to me! You were the reason why I rejected Kevin's feelings and that you had to die! Good luck finding women in the afterlife."

Blake keeps on laughing as she drags Sun's body away and buried him.

-Timeline Skip-

Kevin and Katherine are walking back home from the coffee store.

Katherine: "Ahh, that was some good coffee, right Kev?"

Kevin: "Yes it was. With all the missions I had, it's hard to keep up."

Kevin and Katherine walk more and they see approaching here. The figure reveals to be Blake and she was holding her weapon.

Kevin: "Blake?"

Katherine: "What are you doing here?"

Blake: "I'm here to take back my precious man that loves me from long time ago."

Kevin: "Who?"

Blake: "You Kevin."

Katherine: "Look, I don't know what your dealing with Blake. But Kevin is not going to—"

Blake cuts her off by firing her Gamble Shroud at Katherine's heart and she dies.

Kevin: "Katherine!"

Blake then karate chops Kevin, knocking him out and she holds his unconscious body.

-Timeline Skip-

Kevin is slowly opening his eyes and looks around, seeing that he's trying to move but couldn't.

Kevin: "The hell?!"

???: "Oh good. You're awake."

Kevin looks to see Blake as she went to sit on his lap and wraps her arms around his neck.

Blake: "How are you feeling sweetie?"

Kevin: "Blake?! What the hell?! Why did you kill Katherine?!"

Blake: "She was trying to steal you away from me. So I have to kill her. I couldn't let any girl take you away from me."

Kevin: "But Blake, you married and also, you the one who rejected my confession."

Blake: "And that was my worse mistake to reject you...and the marriage? The only person I want to marry is you Kevin."

Kevin: "But what about Sun?"

Blake: *chuckles crazily* "He won't bother us for a long time sweetie."

Kevin eyes widened that she killed Sun too.

Blake: "I love you Kevin. I really do. And I will never let you go again. You are mine...forever! And even if you leave, I will hunt you down and punish. And I do not wish to hurt you. Understand?"

Kevin had no choice but to nodded which made Blake happy and hugs him happily.

Blake: "Good my lovely mate. Now then, let's make some kittens. I wanted to do this with you for a long time."

Kevin gulped as Blake started to have sex with him to make some kittens to take care of as a family together. As time passes, Kevin is broken to love Blake and him and her are already married as she give birth to two girls. Blake is happy to have Kevin back on her side even though Kevin have no choice as she will hunt him down till the end if he tries to escape.

At night, Kevin is seen sleeping on the bed along with a Blake as she is still awake and watches him sleep peacefully.

Blake: "I love you Kevin. It's so wonderful to have you back with me. Sleep tight. I love you."

Blake kisses Kevin on the cheek and begins to sleep while cuddling him.

End of chapter

Female Characters x My OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें