Shopkeeper: Thank you for shopping at From Dust Till Dawn.

(Y/N): Pleasure's all mine.

Ruby's face clearly showed astonishment in (Y/N)'s semblance.

The two shoppers walked out of the store with the box of electricity dust. Ruby spoke up once she felt like they were far enough away from the shop.

Ruby: That's was so cool.

(Y/N): What was?

Ruby: You just used your semblance!

(Y/N): Well, yeah. But I used it before.

Ruby: Not on purpose.

(Y/N): You're not wrong about that.

Ruby: You well on your way to becoming a full blown huntsmen. You got the aura, you can use your semblance on cue. You're nearly as good as a I was back at Signal Academy before my uncle Qrow took me under his wing.

(Y/N): *mutters* Hehe, "under his wing".

Ruby: What?

(Y/N): Uhh... nothing. I was just saying that I have absolutely no clue has to how to fight well.

Ruby: Me and my team can teach you.

(Y/N) had a quick think about how team RWBY taught the powerful (Y/N) back in the original Wattpad story

(Y/N): Yeah, no. I'm good.

Ruby: What? Why not?

(Y/N): I read about how you taught the powerful (Y/N) how to fight.

Ruby: Oh come on. That was back when he was acting like a wimp.

(Y/N): Yeah, but I'm actually a wimp.

Ruby: I bet you're not.

(Y/N): I don't even have a weapon.

Ruby: Neither does Jaune, and look at him, he's a great fighter.

(Y/N): Does his sword to shield thing not count.

Ruby: It's doesn't shoot.

(Y/N): That doesn't mean it's not a weapon.

Ruby: That doesn't matter anyway, you could probably get a weapon from your semblance.

(Y/N) took a glace at his scroll.

(Y/N): I could.

Ruby: Do it now, I wanna see what kinda a weapon you get.

(Y/N) opened the scroll to Google Chrome and hovered his finger over the keyboard, thinking for a solid minute about what to choose as his weapon.

Ruby: Pick something!

(Y/N): Relax, girl.

(Y/N) finally came up with a weapon to use. Ruby watched in awe as (Y/N) brought up an image of a black and blue glowing disc. (Y/N) stared to shake the scroll once again.

Ruby: What's that?

(Y/N): It's called an Identity Disc. It's from this movie called Tron I used to love as a kid.

Ruby: What does it do?

(Y/N): It's kinda like a boomerang, a blade, and a shield all in o-

A loud clash along the concrete could be heard. Ruby and (Y/N) looked up to see a blue Identity Disc bouncing between multiple buildings and flying across the road. Multiple people tried to duck and dodge out of the disc's path.

(Y/N): Uh oh.

Ruby and (Y/N) raced to follow the disc's path to catch up to it. Multiple burn marks in the buildings' walls could be seen from the bouncing and ricocheting off them. Once (Y/N) felt like he was close enough to the disc, he reached out his hand to grab it. Instead of needing to get closer to the disc to actually touch it, the disc bounced off a wall and turn straight to it's owner in a physics breaking way. The disc's force pushed (Y/N) down onto the concrete, making him land face first. Ruby quickly raced over to him.

Ruby: Oh my gosh. (Y/N), are you OK?

(Y/N) pushed himself up from the ground and flipped himself to face Ruby.

(Y/N): As fine as I'll ever be.

(Y/N) took a couple for glances at his surroundings to find that his Identity Disc wasn't to be seen.

(Y/N): Where's the disc?

Ruby: You caught it.

(Y/N): I did?

(Y/N) reach for his back to feel the disc stuck to him like a magnet, but he was able to pull it off with ease.

(Y/N): Whoa.

Ruby: I told you that you could be a huntsmen.

(Y/N): I wouldn't count on that, that was completely on accident.

(Y/N) place the disc back on his back, it stuck to him like superglue.

Ruby: I'm just glad you're OK.

Without thinking straight, Ruby leaned into (Y/N) and kissed him right on lips.


Author's Notes

I am super sorry to leave you on a line like that last one. But, that's like how to leave it for next chapter 101 stuff right there. Also, you got a weapon now, enjoy have you're entire identity on a piece of metal with blue lights. By the way, I notice that we are, like, super close to getting a thousand reads on this. I got up from my chair when I saw that. What the actual what now? Actually speechless, jeez. Ooh, one last thing, hope you like the new cover for the story, came up with it like two minutes before I started writing this chapter and I felt like it was a 200 IQ play. Anyway, cya next time.

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