A hired priest was standing in the center of the altar, also looking a little nervous. Sitting on the front pews were a couple of wedding planners, Izumi's mother and Uchiha elders. Everyone was dead silent, not a single sound was being made.

The silence was interrupted, of course, by the child ring bearer and the flower girl standing only a few meters away from Sakura.

"Why is it so quiet?" the boy complained loudly, rolling his black eyes that matched his hair. He seemed utterly bored.

The girl, who looked similar to him, tugged on his sleeve and said quietly, "Because they're waiting for Mr. Uchiha. You know, the scary old man."

To Sakura, they both seemed like they didn't want to be here. They didn't even seem to have any connection to Izumi or Itachi, leading Sakura to believe that they were random twins from the Uchiha clan.

She, feeling sorry for the two, walked over and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder and said reassuringly, "Mr. Uchiha isn't that scary, you two. Relax and just have fun, the rehearsal only goes for an hour, and then you can g-"


The doors clanged opened, and majority of the people waiting inside straightened up. The Uchiha twins instantly went behind Sakura, the boy's previous fun demeanor vanished.

Bathed in the bright light stood the main Uchiha family (and a maid). Fugaku at the front, hands on his hips. Mikoto by his side, along with Itachi and Izumi who were holding hands. And, this person made Sakura's heart race, Sasuke standing at the rear, looking as if he didn't want to be here and ignoring the squealing maid.

They were all dressed impeccably, even the maid. Mikoto's lip-gloss seemed to be more expensive than Sakura's entire outfit. It wasn't even the wedding, yet they were all decked out in dresses and suits.

Izumi was wearing a white, sleeveless dress that reached just above her knees, a black belt of satin looped across her waist. Her hair was down, the right side held back by a bobby pin. Mikoto was also in a dress, this one black with a fitted bodice and sleeves that reached her elbow. A silver zip stretched from her collar to her belly button. 

Itachi, like his mother, was in all black, a black shirt and black jeans. Sasuke was wearing the exact same thing, except his jeans were ripped and the Uchiha symbol was emblazoned on the back of the shirt. Fugaku was dressed in a neat blue suit and a scowl, looking grumpy.

"You," Fugaku spoke, looking directly at Sakura. It was only a normal volume, but it somehow carried across the entire church. "Stop interacting with the children and get back into your spot."

Feeling inferior, Sakura could only squeeze the girl's shoulders and slip away, back into the line of bridesmaids. Even though her eyes were glued to the floor, she could feel everyone's eyes on her, Fugaku's and Sasuke's unsettling her the most. 

"Let's move on," Izumi said hastily, saving Sakura from the stares. "Should we go straight into the rehearsal?"

"Only if Sasuke knows what he's doing," Itachi answered her before turning to his younger brother. "Sasuke?"

"Yes," he replied in a bored tone. "If I forget, I'll just follow Deidara or something."

Itachi nodded. "Good."

"Now," Fugaku barked. "Let's get going."

The family of four and the maid proceeded into the main church, Mikoto and Fugaku taking a seat at the front row along with the maid, Itachi heading up to the altar and Sasuke uncomfortably waiting in between Deidara and Shisui. 

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