chapter fifty three~

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chapter by: xlovemusicalsx

(y/n)'s POV

After the meeting I pulled Veronica aside while JD was in the bathroom, into a corridor a ways away from the group.

"Hey, look I know things have been a bit rough and insane lately, but you're my friend and I'm worried about you. You've been really quiet and stuff today, is something up?" I asked her gently. I saw the flash of panic on her face before she settled down.

"I'm helping my parents move to Florida in a couple days, and told JD he can't come because they hate him from high school. Edgy bad-boy types and strict parents don't really mix. But now he's mad and saying he'll go insane, that vampires being so far apart from their fated ones can be dangerous. I'm just really conflicted." She confessed, looking down.

"Hey, I can see you feel guilty and you don't have to. You go, I'll check up on him daily to make sure he's okay. I won't tell Heather, she's protective, it'll be our little secret. Your parents need you to help." I promised. She looked at me for a moment before pulling me into a tight hug. She sniffled into my shoulder, no doubt tearing up from the relief.

"Thank you, thank you thank you so much. I'll tell him tonight. You're the best, (y/n). Heather doesn't deserve you, even if you lie to her once." She gushed. I smiled softly.

"It's no problem Ronnie. Now let's go, no doubt people have noticed our absence." I told her gently. She nodded gratefully, beginning to walk back to the others.

We walked in silence until we reached the room where everyone else was.

"Where did you ladies get off to?" JD asked, sending a sharp glare my way. Veronica opened her mouth but no words came out, so I covered for her coolly.

"I was showing her another restroom, this big ol' house can get pretty confusing if you don't live here." I told him. He held eye contact for a moment, sizing up my lie, before shrugging it off and grabbing his lover's hand.

"Alright... Ronnie, let's get out of here. You have work in the morning." He said, leading her out. She turned to mouth thank you once again, and I winked in response.

I really hoped she was safe, but she should be for now.

(383 words)

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