Chapter seven~

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Chapter by: xlovemusicalsx

(y/n)'s POV

"What is it, baby?" I asked with a cringe.

"Where were you?" She demanded, red in the face from anger. I grimaced as if she'd smacked me across the face.

"Mac invited me over, but you weren't awake yet so I didn't tell you, and I forgot to leave you a note. I'm so sorry," I apologized. I knew I probably hadn't really done anything wrong, but I had an impulsive need to apologize for everything. It was annoying, I know.

"God, (y/n). This is why I fucking had sex with that whore last night, because you're an awful girlfriend who never tells me anything. You're lucky you even have me, nobody else will ever love you," my heart and stomach both dropped to the floor heating that. I didn't know what part to focus on.

"You cheated on me?" I whispered pathetically. I didn't know what else to say.

"Because you never sleep with me! God, you're an awful girlfriend." She stated with a smug smirk. Was this what heartbreak feels like?

"At least I never cheated on you. I was always faithful, and I take everything you throw at me, and... and I'm breaking up with you!" I said quietly, but it turned into a scream.

Her face went pale, before going red with anger. Oh fuck, now I was in for it.

"You're what?! You know what, fine! I don't even need you! You fucking idiot! Nobody will ever date you now! I'll just go out with Veronica, or Mac, or maybe the cute girl from last night. But you'll die alone, and nobody will ever love you, fucker!" She screamed, throwing a mug of hot coffee on me. I yelped in pain, quickly taking off my shirt. I threw a flower she'd given me a couple days ago in her face, the one she used to apologize for yelling at me at the supermarket.

"Get out of my apartment!" I told her coldly. I was fighting back huge tears, but I pretended to feel nothing. I loved her. I was in love with Heather Duke, but here I was kicking her out of our shared apartment.

"Your apartment? Bitch, since when is it your apartment?" She yelled out, crushing the flower in her fist.

"I lived here for two years before you moved in with me! It's my apartment, so get your stuff out and LEAVE!" I informed her with a biting tone. She glared before gathering her stuff, throwing things at me all the while as I cleared up the broken coffee mug situation on the ground.

About an hour later, she was standing in the doorway defiantly. I watched her for a second, before waving. She nodded and headed out.

I regretted this decision, but I refused to take it back. She had nowhere to go, but there were plenty of hotels in the area she could stay in before getting a friend to take her in.

I closed the door, looking around. It was a lot calmer in here without her always yelling at me, tainting everything in her path. But I missed her. I cried, wailing as quietly as possible while curled up in a little ball for hours. So many hours that when I finally felt something, it was Barrett climbing onto my side to lay on. I smiled weakly at her, scratching her ears lovingly.

"Hey, baby. I love you lots, you know that right?" I whispered, my smile a little less fake as I heard her purring away like a little lawnmower.

I looked around, shocked to see that it was evening, and the sun was setting.

I gently lifted Barrett off of me, much to her dismay. I took a shower, still sticky from the coffee that laid forgotten on my skin. After I showered, I changed into some black skinny jeans and a hoodie from my old high school that I went to before I moved here and was homeschooled.

I needed to take a walk and get some fresh air. It was already dark outside, so I grabbed a flashlight as well as my phone, keys and wallet just in case. I slipped my old, dirty black converse on and headed out.

The evening air was delightfully chilly, bringing feeling back to my body. Everything felt right in the world when I walked.

I walked past a 7-Eleven, heading towards a park that was right next to the forest leading to that old, definitely haunted mansion.

I was taken out of my daze as someone grabbed my elbow and dragged me into a dark secluded spot, holding me against their body with my face facing away from theirs. One arm was holding my stomach, the other was across my neck.

I screamed with all my might for a couple seconds before a rag that smelled disgusting was shoved in my mouth.

I could feel the person's breath on my shoulder and neck, and I was blind with terror. I could feel nothing but my pounding heart and my rapid breaths.

But in a second I was released, stumbling forward. I turned to see a pretty blonde girl in a black blazer and red dress beating up a pale boy in a black trenchcoat with messy black hair, and red eyes.

And I caught a glimpse of the girls face, and it was a normal looking version of the terrifying demon in my nightmare last night. I stumbled back even more, completely shocked. The boy laid bruised and unmoving when the girl got up and held out a hand to me, and it was then I realized that I'd fallen on the ground.

I took her hand and realized it was exceptionally cold as she helped me up.

"Thank you, you saved me," I whispered numbly. She nodded, unamused. She even looked a bit annoyed.

"I'm aware. It's getting late, and I live close by. You could come over if you want." She offered. I shrugged, nodding. I didn't know why, but despite my instincts telling me she was a demon, she did save me.

"Yeah, I live kinda far away and I walked here, so that would be nice, thanks." I gave her an awkward smile. She emotionlessly turned, leading me on the path to her huge old mansion.

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