Chapter fifty two~

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Chapter by: me

(Y/N)'s PoV

I opened the door to Heather Mac, Kurt and Ram. I assume JD and Veronica are arriving later. "Hey guys! Come in." I stand aside to let them in, then close the door after. We all sit down on the couch, waiting for the others to arrive whilst we make some small talk and crack a few jokes.

"Anyone want anything to drink?" Heather asked, politely as she got up.

"Me and Kurt will have water."

"Could I have some tea please?" Mac asked shyly.

"I'll have some coffee. I'll come help you in the kitchen." I get up and follow heather to make the drinks.

"Where do you think they are?" Heather asked as boiled the kettle and pulled out two mugs. She grabbed a few glasses for Kurt and Ram and turned to me, finally.


"JD and Veronica."

"Oh. Uhm I don't know. They could just be running late..." I defend, grabbing the milk from the refrigerator.

"Maybe." Heather didn't seem satisfied with that answer but I'm not sure what else I could say. It's not like they bailed. We're adults. Suddenly a knock at the door echoed through the house. "I'll get it." Heather walked towards the door and opened it. I continued to make drinks for everyone who had been on time.

"(Y/N), greetings and salutations." A deep voice greeted me from behind. I knew it was JD. I heard Veronica mutter a 'hi' which was unusual for her, she's normally confident and loud not this timid uncomfortable act. She's uneasy I can tell.

"Hey guys. Want anything to drink-"

"We're fine, thank you." JD interrupts, his voice taut with authority.

"Okay Cool. Take a seat in there and we can get this done with." They turn and walk out as I finish everyone's drinks. I don't know why he was acting like an asshole. I mean Im trying to be nice. It's not like I was the one trying to kill him. I take people's drinks on a tray and walk in. Heather runs to my aid, grabbing majority of the drinks, leaving me with two. She hands Kurt and Ram their water, and she sits down with her own drink. I give Mac her tea and I settle down with my coffee.

"Right. Let's get this over with."

"Yeah okay so. First of all, Mac." Jessica turned to Heather M and gave her a smile- which of course she returned. "So I'm a vampire. So is Heather and JD." She paused for a moment so she could adjust to this information. "Kurt and Ram are werewolves- and also mates. Annnnnnd, you, (Y/N) and Veronica are obviously humans." She paused again to catch her breath slightly "Veronica used to be a hunter."

"Right okay so three vampires, three humans and two werewolves. Sounds like a bad joke." Heather replied chuckling. Soon enough we all did- bar JD and Veronica. She was acting strange and I was going to get to the bottom of this.

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