Chapter 38: Father-Son Goals

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"I want to buy coffee in SoulCup first," said Bambam.

"What? But we're going to be late for the meeting," told Seohyun.

"Don't worry. It won't be so long. You can just tell them to wait for a moment. Tell them I'm going to buy ice cream for Hyunmin."

Seohyun frowned, "Hyunmin is not asking for ice cream."

Bambam looked at the backseat, "Hyunmin-ah, do you want to have an ice cream?"

"Yes!" answered Hyunmin clearly.

"What flavor do you want?" asked Bambam.

"Ohhh..." Hyunmin looks like thinking seriously before answered, "Choco ice cream!"

"Heard that? He wants choco ice cream. I cannot refuse my son's request," said Bambam to Seohyun with smirk. "So manager-nim, stop the car in front of the café, please."

Seohyun now worked as the manager for Bambam and Hyunmin as both of them have lot of schedule together now. They also just finished their photoshoot schedule with one of the popular magazine and now they're going to join the meeting with other Got7 members later.

Seohyun sighed. She then stopped the car in front of the café. She looked at Bambam, "You actually purposely want to show off your new outfit to your fans, right?"

Bambam winked, "Bingo! You sure know my hidden intention, huh? Of course I need to show this father-son couple look to my fans."

Seohyun just scoffed and let Bambam get down from the car before move to the backseat to get Hyunmin. Few girls on the street already recognize them and getting excited to see Bambam and Hyunmin. Seohyun just stare at Hyunmin that now already waved his little hand to the noona fans as he's holding Bambam's hand with his other hand. That kid not look scared or awkward at all as he's also giving some cute pose for the fans as he's walking with his dad to enter the café.

Seohyun shook her head slowly, "Why they treat the street like a red carpet? That's really... like father like son."


"SO as fan request, they want Hyunmin to appear as special guest during the concert. We thought that it might be great if we can include some corner for Hyunmin's appearance. We can play game or something. Is that okay?" asked Heejun, the director of their upcoming Got7 anniversary concert.

Got7 members and other staffs in charge in the middle of meeting for Got7 upcoming anniversary concert. Hyunmin is sitting at the back of that room watching to some cartoon on the table while drinking his juice.

"I think it's okay if that won't be so long. Isn't it?" said Bambam while looking at Seohyun.

Seohyun nodded, "I suggest that better don't put Hyunmin's corner so late at the back as he might get tired and feel sleepy early. He's kid after all."

"We also need to get ready for some backup plan if Hyunmin might be fall asleep earlier than expected. Working with little kid we need to take care of their emotion so we can make sure that Hyunmin can give their best that day," commented Jinyoung.

"We'll discuss again about the tentative later," said Rina, the assistant director while take note for some points.

"Is Hyunmin okay to be on the stage in front of thousands of people?" asked Heejun.

"Director-nim, Hyunmin is 99.99% resemble his father! He likes attention as much as his father did," said Jackson causing everyone to laugh.

"Ayy... hyung! Are you saying I am attention seeker?" asked Bambam.

"Aren't you? We saw in SNS you bought drinks in SoulCup with Hyunmin earlier. You even giving poses with Hyunmin like in photoshoot while showing off your father-son couple look!" told Mark.

Bambam's face turned red, "No... I didn't mean that..."

"Yeah, we know that you and Hyunmin are the trendsetter for father-son goals look so that's why almost every magazine filled up with you and your son's face, right?" said Jackson.

"Not mentioning every time I turn on the television I'm going to see both of you in every channel either for variety show or CF," said Youngjae.

"He earned more as Hyunmin's appa than as Got7 Bambam," told Jaebum.

"I think Hyunmin alone earned more than six of us," said Jinyoung.

Bambam scoffed to hear the member's grumble, "Guys... that's all thanks to Hyunmin too. What can I do if..."

"I think Hyunmin more popular than his father. Bambam is using Hyunmin's popularity so that he can show off his father-son couple look," said Mark savagely cutting Bambam's words.

"Remember last week they walked around Myeongdong with father-son couple outfit. Did you feel you like a Hollywood hot daddy who's walking around with their kid?" asked Yugyeom.

"That's exactly what he's doing, Yugyeom-ah," agreed Seohyun.

"Park Seohyun... don't you should to take oppa side?" asked Bambam.

"Ahh... I still cannot accept to hear Seohyun called this kid 'oppa'," groaned Jaebum.

"Hyung, this 'kid' has a son and we don't," told Jinyoung.

"Sometimes I still cannot believe myself that Bambam is a father," said Youngjae.

"Err... guys, we're having meeting right now remember?" asked Heejun when Got7 members getting lose focus and began their own chaos.  

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