Chapter 11: Biggest Gift

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BAMBAM smiled as he saw lots of messages wishing him for his birthday. He turned his head and see Hyunmin still in deep sleep. This is his favorite scenery every morning. He kissed his son's forehead silently.

He walked out from the room and found Seohyun also already awake and at the kitchen.

"Good morning, noona."

Seohyun turned her head, "Oh, good morning! Is Hyunmin still sleeping?"

Bambam nodded. He's pouring some water in the glass before realize Seohyun is cooking something.

"What are you cooking noona?"

Seohyun smiled shyly, "It's seaweed soup for your birthday."

Bambam looked surprised but then he chuckled, "You still remember my birthday?"

Seohyun hesitated, "Actually I saw your birthday advertisement by your fans at the subway yesterday."

Bambam's chuckle stop, "Better if you just said you remember my birthday."

Seohyun grinned, "You know I'm not that good in remembering people's birthday."

"Anyway, thank you for the soup. I will eat that later," told Bambam.

"Bambam-ah," called Seohyun quickly when Bambam just about to turn his back.


Seohyun bites her lips before said, "Happy birthday."

Bambam smiled, "Thank you noona."


Bambam turned his head, "Oh, Hyunmin is awake?" Bambam grabbed Hyunmin that already beside him while rubbing his eyes."Appa~"

"Hyunmin-ah, today is your dad's birthday. Don't you need to give present to him?" asked Seohyun.

Hyunmin looked blur as he doesn't understand the meaning of 'birthday' or 'present'.

"Give appa kiss then," Bambam stick out his lips.

Hyunmin just kissed Bambam with half-heartedly as he's still sleepy. Bambam chuckled before then kissed Hyunmin's fluffy cheek.

"Aigoo... my son is still sleepy, huh? Let's change your cloth. We need to quickly go to the nursery," said Seohyun as she's taking Hyunmin from Bambam.

Bambam just smiled looking at Seohyun brought Hyunmin to her room with Hyunmin still in sleepy state, "My son is my biggest gift."


BAMBAM pouted as he's walking out from the elevator. He's scrolling his instagram while mumbling, "How come none of my member wish for my birthday? Don't they see how the fans tag them for my birthday post?"

Today Got7 members don't have group schedule so they're doing their own schedule or rest. Bambam had been in the company for the whole day but he barely see any of the members. He bumped to Yugyeom but that guy looked rushed and just greet him for three seconds before left him. Bambam purposedly told the members how nice the weather of today in their group chat but none of them even reply to his message.

He opened the door and like usual Hyunmin already waiting for him in front of the door.

"Indeed... my son is the only loyal one," said Bambam as he's holding to Hyunmin.

"Have you been a good boy today?" asked Bambam.

Hyunmin nodded before babbling gibberish.

"What is this good smell?" asked Bambam as he's walking to the kitchen and found Seohyun at the kitchen.

"Is that Tom Yum Goong?" asked Bambam excited looking in the pot. He then looked at the bowl on the table, "Am I looking at Som Tum?"

Seohyun chuckled before nodded, "I've made some thai foods that I learned from internet. I hope the taste not so bad. I'm sorry that I don't have any present for your birthday other than these."

Bambam smiled widely, "What are you talking about noona? This is more than enough. I'm so thankful of course."

"Go and take shower first. This won't take long time," told Seohyun.

Bambam nodded. He then put Hyunmin at the living room before went to his room to get shower.


"WHERE is that thing?" asked Jinyoung to Jackson that just come.

Jackson shrugged, "I don't know. I'm not the one who supposed to bring it. Isn't it with you Youngjae?"

"Why me? I'm in charge for bringing the present," told Youngjae while showing a paper bag with luxurious brand name of shoes on it. "Isn't it Mark hyung?"

"I'm in charge for blowing this party horn," said Mark before he's putting the party horn in his mouth as if that the most important and hardest task in the world.

"Yugyeom is the one should bring it. Wait, where's Yugyeom?" asked Jaebum and at the mean time Yugyeom came from elevator with a cake in the box.

"Sorry late, guys! I stuck in the traffic jammed," told Yugyeom in low voice to avoid Bambam in the house might hear them.

"Just right at the moment," said Jinyoung as he took the cake and bring it out from the box before Jaebum light up the fire on the candles. Mark gave the other party horns he got to Yugyeom and Youngjae. Jinyoung will be in charge for holding the cake.

Jaebum smiled, "Okay, perfect! Jackson, press the bell."

Jackson nodded before pressed the bell.

"Ready..." whispered Jackson as he's hearing the sound of door click.


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