Chapter 25: Unexpected Guest

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SEOHYUN frowned as she's opening her eyes when she heard the bell ringing. She feels like it's only few hours after she felt asleep as she was busy packing up her things last night.

"Ahh... who's coming this early in the morning?" mumbled Seohyun as she walked out from her room.

She glanced around and see no sign of Bambam at home as he will put his belonging on the table if he back home

"Is he not back home yet?" Seohyun shook her head, "Ahhh... I don't want to care about him anymore!"

The bell ringing again causing Seohyun quickly running towards the door, "Ouhhh... can they just stop ringing it? Hyunmin might awake then!"

Seohyun then opened the door, "Yes~? What can I... oh, you guys?"

"Good morning, Seohyun noona." Yugyeom then appeared with awkward expression together with another five members behind him.

"What... how... everyone...?"

"Is Bambam inside?" asked Mark.

Seohyun shook her head, "No... he's not at home."

"Bambam is not at home?" suddenly someone appeared that make Seohyun turned frozen right away to see the most unexpected person in front of the house – JYP.

"P... PD-nim! W-what are you...?"

"Err... I think it's better if all of us enter the house first, can we? Not a good sight if the neighbors saw all of us especially our famous JYP standing here," suggested Jackson.

Seohyun quickly stepped aback and let JYP and Got7 members to enter the house. She really in bewildered at the moment as she just wake up but suddenly not only Got7 came but also along with JYPE's founder. She quickly glanced to the mirror to make sure her face not too messy.

JYP looks around the house and saw three baskets of toys, two electric car and also lot of kids' items here and there.

Seohyun that realize all Hyunmin's things trying to hide them all, "Ahhh... actually these things are..."

"Seohyun-ah, there's no use to hide anything anymore," said Jinyoung suddenly.

Seohyun flinched, "What?"

"Maybe you still not know about it yet but..." Mark gave her his phone to let her read the article in his phone.

Seohyun looked at Mark's phone before her eyes turned wider to see the article with big title 'BREAKING NEWS: GOT7 BAMBAM HAS SON WITH HIS GIRLFRIEND. EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH EX-BOYFRIEND.'

"This... Kim Sangmin really..." Seohyun shivered as she's reading the article.

"At first I thought this is just too ridiculous but that guy also has the picture you guys walk in and out to this apartment and also some picture showing you with a kid. So tell me..." JYP took a deep breath before continue, "Is that kid yours and Bambam's?"

Seohyun glanced at JYP for a second as she scared to stare at those eyes much longer. She knows there's nothing she can try to do anymore besides being honest. Seohyun then slowly nodded, "Yes. That kid is mine and Bambam is his biological father."

JYP scoffed before let out disbelief laugh, "You must be joking, right? Come on, tell me the real story! There's no way Bambam has a child! He doesn't even able to tie his own shoes properly how can he..."


Everyone turned their head when Hyunmin suddenly came out from the room and toddling towards them.

JYP's jaw dropped to see that kid then came to her mother before Seohyun then lifted him and put him in her embrace. Seohyun looked at JYP with scared look, "His name is Hyunmin."

"Bambam might be not able to tie his own shoes properly but... he did succeed in... 'making' Hyunmin," told Jackson. Other members trying hard to close their mouth holding their laugh with looking at elsewhere instead.

JYP gulped before said, "Now... can you... like explain to me something... or... I-I don't know what should I say right now."

Seohyun then took a deep breath before telling everything to JYP like how she told other members before.

"And... yes, the members know about Hyunmin by accident so we got no other choice beside telling everything to them too and asking them to hide this secret. The staffs know that I have a son but no one knows the father of my son as I tell them his father left me before he knew I'm actually pregnant. Well, practically I'm not lying there."

JYP let out a big sighed. He took quite some time to digest everything he heard before able to speak again, "I don't think we can deny this matter to reporters as that guy already gave them the exact proof and... I also see the proof," JYP stared to Hyunmin that now sucking his pacifier, "Do you by any chance know that guy? He's the guy that Bambam punched before, right?"

Seohyun bites her lip before said, "Actually that guy is my ex-boyfriend. I left him before because I'm pregnant and I didn't tell him at that time that I'm pregnant other guy's baby. He wants to get back with me... but I reject him."

Jaebum frowned, "Why you rejected him? If he knows now you already son he must be willing to accept your son too, right?"

Seohyun suddenly turned flustered to hear that question, "I just... don't think it's a right thing... for me."

Jaebum looked at Seohyun with curious look but he didn't say anything.

"So what should we do now? Where is Bambam going actually? We tried to contact him but it looks like he's turning off his phone!" said Jinyoung.

"Do you know where is he going, noona?" asked Youngjae.

Seohyun shook her head, "No. I don't know."

"When is the last time he came back home?" asked Jaebum.

Seohyun looks like in dilemma to answer that, "Last night."

Everyone shocked to hear that, "And when he's going out again?"

Seohyun then let out heavy breath, "Actually... we got into small fight last night that make Bambam then... left the house."

"Are you going anywhere?" asked Jackson while pointing to the big luggage in front of Seohyun's room.

"Ahh... I plan to get out from this house today so that's why I'm packing up."

"Where are you going?" asked Mark.

Seohyun shrugged, "I'll try to find any empty room later."

"You're bringing a baby with you yet you have no plan where you're going?" asked Jackson while looking at Seohyun with disbelief look.

Jaebum smirked, "That's not a small fight, right? Bambam is not short-tempered guy but he left the house suddenly in the middle of the night and you suddenly packing up to leave this house but has no plan ahead even you're having a baby with you. What actually happened?"

Seohyun is getting frustrated to hear all the right things Jaebum pointed out. She slowly nodded, "Yes. We got into some serious fight. He accused me still having relationship with my ex-boyfriend and ridiculously saying I have a hidden intention by using Hyunmin for my own sake. It breaks my heart apart to hear that. I still can accept if he's accusing me with nonsense but Hyunmin... he did nothing wrong. Just because his father is an idol, he couldn't live the same life as other child. He needs to live like a criminal that no one should know his existence. Why he should be treated like a bomb that can explode anytime? What he did so wrong to accept all of that?"

Seohyun cried as she's telling them all that. Everyone suddenly getting touched and stared at Hyunmin that now sleep again in his mother's embrace. That kid just being so lovely and adorable that people might don't know that the kid actually holding a big burden in his shoulder for being a hidden son of an idol.

"We should find Bambam. By all cost!" said JYP.

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