Chapter 12: Surprise for a Bigger Surprise

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SEOHYUN smiled as she let out relieve breath looking at all the dishes ready on the table, "Finally... I finished cook everything!"

"But... isn't these foods just too much for both of us," Seohyun bites her lips. She just too excited to try cooking of thai foods and just realize the amount of foods quite much for two people.

Seohyun shrugged, "Well... I can just heat again the leftover for tomorrow maybe?"

Suddenly Seohyun heard the bell sound, "Oh, is Bambam ordering any foods?"

As Bambam still in shower Seohyun walked to the door to open it with Hyunmin also following her to the front door.

"Yes, coming..."


Seohyun that opening the door paused. Six guys in front of them also being frozen suddenly with their face expression half happy and half shock. The guy at the middle that holding a cake looked at her with jaw drop.

"Eomma~" called Hyunmin as he's pulling her shirt asking for attention. That six guys now lower their head to look at the baby.

"My son Hyunmin-ie... where are you...?" Bambam that just stepped out from his room while drying his hair with the towel also suddenly stopped as he just realize there are six guys in front of his house.

"Appa~" Hyunmin was toddling to Bambam before hugged his legs.



BAMBAM lowered his head as six guys now sitting in front of him with fierce look. Bambam gulped thinking of whatever swearing filling in the members' mind or the members might punch him right there. In the midst of that tight moment, Hyunmin suddenly toddling towards him.

"Appa... bananana~" said Hyunmin as he's giving the banana to Bambam.

"You're asking me to peel this banana? Say 'juseyo'..." said Bambam softly.

Hyunmin immediately put both of his palms together while saying, "Eyo~...."

"That's right... here is your banana," Bambam gave the banana that he peeled for Hyunmin. His smile to Hyunmin stop when his head turned back to front as he forgot for a second that he's in the middle of dead and alive.

"He's a cute boy."

Bambam lifted his head as he heard Jinyoung said that.

"How old is he now?" asked Jackson.

"16 months."

"You've been hiding him from us for 16 months?" asked Jaebum.

Bambam looked at Jaebum, "I'm so sorry hyung. I don't mean to hide all this from you guys."

Yugyeom smirked, "Am I the only one think that you are my bestfriend that we can share everything with?" his face clearly showed the betray he felt.

Bambam shook his head, "No, Gyeom-ah..."

"Son... tch." Jackson smirked.

"It's so hard for us to even dating but you already have a son," said Youngjae.

"What will happen to Got7 if the company or the public know?" asked Mark.

Bambam didn't say anything. He really have no idea where should he starts.

"It's not Bambam's fault."

The members turned their head to Seohyun. Jackson smirked, "I know you're going to defend your husband but there's no use here."

Seohyun took a deep breath, "Bambam is not my husband and I'm not his wife."

The members' face changed to shock expression again.

"But isn't it the kid is Bambam's son? Is Bambam his biological father or not?" asked Jinyoung.

Seohyun nodded, "Yes. Bambam is his biological father. We did DNA test and it proved the fact."

Jaebum frowned, "Wait, you're not Bambam's wife but the kid is his biological son... so are you the kid's biological mother or not?"

Seohyun nodded, "Of course. I gave birth of him."

"Then are you guys divorce? But when you guys married?" asked Jackson.

Youngjae looked at Jackson, "But hyung, if they divorce why they should still stay in one house?"

"How can I know that? Am I Bambam?" asked Jackson back. Both of them then suddenly started arguing with each other for no reason.

"Wait... why should you guys did the DNA test at the first place?" asked Mark.

"That's right. I never did DNA test. Wait... should I do one too to approve my parents are my biological parents?" asked Jackson curious suddenly.

"Ouh please..." Jaebum shook his head.

"Are you joking Jackson-ah?" asked Jinyoung.

"Am I should be joking now in this situation?" asked Jackson that now he's arguing with JJP.

Seohyun scratched her head before shouted, "Now silent everyone!"

Everyone immediately in silence. Seohyun let out big sighed, "Now... listen to my explanation."

Seohyun then explain everything to the members. The members looked shocked to hear the story but slowly they look like accepting every details Seohyun told them.

"That's... how it happened. Bambam literally just know about the existence of Hyunmin since three months ago," told Seohyun.

"Wow... that was so... unexpected." Jinyoung closed his mouth as his jaw had been opened for so long hearing that explanation.

"I don't mean to hide this forever. I just need some space and times for me to accept this reality as I need to adapt with all the new environment. It's... kind of hard for me too," Bambam glanced to Hyunmin that played beside him. He pinched the kid's cheek lightly before smiled, "But whatever it is, he's my son anyway."

"So this kid is... your son... for real?" Yugyeom stared at Hyunmin as he still couldn't believe his bestfriend now already has a son.

Youngjae also stared at Hyunmin with disbelief look, "Heol..."

"Wow..." exclaimed Jackson in low voice.

Jaebum let out big sigh, "Whatever it is, we must keep your son's existence. We cannot let anyone know about this. The life of Got7 depends on this secret. You understand, right?"

Bambam nodded, "I understand."

Mark let out big sigh too, "Haiihh... we're supposed to give you birthday surprise but how come we're the one having bigger surprise."

Bambam smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, guys."

"Anyway, this is the cake we brought for you." Jinyoung took out the cake from the box as he keep it in the box back after having that big shock just now. He put the cake on the table.

"I bought this from your favorite..." Yugyeom couldn't finished his words as suddenly Hyunmin slammed his hand right on top of the cake.


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