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Can I see Jimin today?" Asked the hybrid.

Taehyung smiles at the cute boy, "of course baby".

Taehyung had called Yoongi earlier asking if they were free to come over. Taehyung had already guessed by now that the bunny was missing his friend.

A knock alerted the bunny who was rolling around on the floor. He swiftly sat up with a surprised facial expression. One of his long black ears flopped over the side of his face from the sudden movement.

Taehyung laughed at the scene before him. He absolutely adored his baby.

"Jungkookie!" Taehyung heard from the front door that Jungkook had just opened. He would have gotten onto the boy but he would let it slide on this one occasion.

Jungkook's eye twinkled as he spotted Jimin.

They both toppled onto the floor as Jimin basically threw himself on the bunny hybrid. Laughter slipped past both of their lips causing a smile to form on both of their owners faces.

The hybrids had missed each other so much. They haven't had any interaction since Jungkook left the center weeks ago.

They lay in a tangled mess on the floor panting for breath. Grins spread on both of their faces.

"I haven't seen Jimin this ecstatic in a while" Yoongi muttered, astonished.

Taehyung grinned at the statement. It was the same for Jungkook. He was just really happy to see his bun like that.

No matter how hard Taehyung tried, he fell more and more in love but at this point he knew there was no going back.

Tae faced Yoongi who was busy gazing at the sight before them. "Hey Yoongi, can I talk to you for a bit in the kitchen?"

To say Yoongi was surprised was an understatement. Sure he hadn't known Taehyung for a while but that was exactly the reason he was shocked. Yoongi figured it must have been important since the boy kept switching his weight from one foot to the other.

The short walk to the kitchen was filled with awkward silence: neither one of them wanted to start the conversation.

"I've been thinking about this a lot but I don't know how to feel about it. It's not illegal but it's frowned upon by others. I just don't know if I'm making the right choice." Taehyung nervously fidgeted throughout his short rant.

Yoongi already had an idea of what was going on. He had felt the same way before but his situation was slightly different. He had more open people to rely on than just society.

He was glad he could now be that person for Taehyung.

Yoongi decided to get straight to the point, a faint smile making its way onto his face. "It's about Jungkook. Correct?"

Taehyung let out an audible puff of air as if he had been holding it for a while. Yoongi didn't blame him, this was a big thing to admit.

As Yoongi got the gist, he gently rested his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and leaned in slightly.

"You have to remind yourself that they're just like us but with a few extra cool features... they're still beings. Still humans...if only part."

Taehyung nodded his head, processing this useful information that he had kept in the depths of his mind. His cons were trying to oversee the pros.

Yoongi continued, "nothing nor anybody in this world has the right to tell you what you can and what you can't do. If you feel it's right, do it. I know society may find most things unacceptable but you are your own person. Be your own army. Overpower anyone who tells you differently".

Confidence and acceptance swelled throughout Taehyung. Thanks to Yoongi, he could finally see it for what it really was and not what society just deemed it to be.

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