Chapter 37 - Memory Lane

Start from the beginning


I woke up to streaks of sunlight beaming from the curtains. My arms stretch out expecting to collide with Rachelle's warm body. My eyes shot open, startled to see she wasn't there. I pushed myself off the bed and checked the bathroom, she's not there either. 

My pounding heart soon relaxed, there, on top of the bedside table is a note from her. 

Out for a run. Didn't want to wake you.
Be back soon.
Love you!

A faint smile crept up my lips as I ran my fingers over the note. I checked the time, it's six in the morning. She usually wakes up around four when she is stressed out and head out for a run. 

The distinct ding of the bell hanging on the door have been ringing every time someone comes in the diner. I am sat in a corner booth by Dolores, the waitress, and each time the bell sounds, I would snap my head to the door expecting Rachelle to come in. 

I dialed her before I got out of the hotel and we decided to have breakfast here in the diner. I've been here for almost thirty minutes and she hasn't walked in the door yet.

Feeling worried, I asked Dolores to save the booth for us and I went to look around for Rachelle. After the other day, I 've been in and out of myself. The thought of losing her kept haunting me and after almost three hours without her, it started to bother me.

Call me clingy, but I know how it feels to lose someone you love and I do not want us to go through that again. Not now, not ever.

I stepped out of the diner and chose to go right. Before I even try to dial her again, I caught sight of her from afar.

There she is, standing on the sidewalk. My heart skipped a beat as I took sight of what's in front of her. The church.

In quick strides, I reached her and wrapped my arms around her gently.

"It's still here. I can still smell the charred wood. Why is it still here?" Her tone suggests query and a slight hint of sadness.

I looked around and the ruins of the burnt church are still up. Around it are worn out, faded-yellow, police lines.

"I don't know babe. But if this was an accident, they should've rebuilt it already."

"No, they built a new church on the other side of town."

"I don't want to jump into conclusion but could they still be on to something and preserving the area for," I shrugged, "I don't know, maybe evidence?"


"It's such short notice, but thank you for meeting us, Officer Newbury." She said as she shook the officer's hand.

We're now back in the diner with Officer Newbury, the cop who handled the case of the church explosion a year ago. It was a good thing he came by to speak with us immediately for a quick chat when Rach dialed him. He was on patrol and just around the area.

"First off Ms. Ambrose, I do apologize for keeping things from you."

"What do you mean, officer?"

"We had enough information to cover the case and we did not want to burden you with all the questions while you were grieving." The officer said in sympathy.

"It's alright officer, however, it's been a year and since we're discussing the case, do you have the authority to disclose matters of investigation to us?" 

"The case was already assigned to the detectives, all I know is that the explosion was not caused by a gas leak. Other than that you may contact Detective Cooper," he said, as he wrote down a contact detail and an address at the back of a calling card. "She will be able to help you. And if anything comes up, or you guys need help, my contact details are there too."

"Thank you, Officer." We bid our goodbyes and the officer head on out.

"Babe we still have lots of time, if you want to go check out the detective, we can go. It's your call." I said as she studies the card in her hand. 

"The location is not far from here, plus it will be on the way. We can go back to the hotel and check-out before we meet Detective Cooper."


"I can't understand why they kept this from me. I can't even wrap my head about the fact it's possibly not an accident," she said enraged, as we drive to the address Officer Newbury gave. We dialed Detective Cooper and she agreed to meet us today.

"Maybe they're protecting you? Or maybe they didn't want to disclose anything yet as this is still an open investigation?"

"I don't know. Let's go find out." We parked in front of a building with the big FBI seal mounted high.

"Miss Ambrose, good day." a woman in her late twenties approached us in the lobby. 'Cooper' written on her tag. She seems like a sweet lady, with her soft smile, however, her eyes tells she's no sweet lady in the field. Plus badass is written all over her demeanor.

Rachelle shook her hands as we close the distance, "Detective Cooper. Thank you for giving us time." then the detective looked at me dubiously, "He's with me." Rach continued.

"Ugh Gage, Gage Williams," I introduced myself, in turn, shaking the detective's hand. 

The detective continued eyeing me suspiciously. "You two here together. Hmmm, this started to get interesting. Well then, let's head up my office," she said leading the way towards the elevators.

What the hell was that? I thought to myself. Rach and I shrugged at each other and followed the detective.

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