Chapter 34 - Stable

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Tangled in sheets, erratic breathing, soft giggles, bodies soaked in our sweet sweat. "What a way to wake up a woman."

"I'd gladly do that every day for as long as I live." Gage said in strangled breaths as he peppered me with soft kisses.

"Godammit, you guys. Stop defiling each other and let's get this holiday going." Rob screamed from behind the door.

It has been nearly three months after the incident with Jason. We had expected him to do more but the last he had done is leave me a letter that says, "You will never be happy." No signature, no return address. But we are sure it was from him because it came with the other letters the day he left and the day we came back to the cabin. 

Just like what happened before with Paul, Jason eventually stopped. Maybe he found out about Gage and I and he thought that he can never win again. Just like a ghost he just mysteriously disappeared, which is good for us. And I hope he'd stay gone for good.

The boys and I have recovered from all the anxiety Jason had brought and we are now living back to the normal way. Eric and Lily have been piling us up with postcards from their different travels and every day seems to be fine with the flow of guests in the cabin. Everything seems perfect. 

Gage has been perfect, as time goes by he had mastered how to deal with my emotions, my moods and especially my desires. Yes, it has been just a few months but I can say that our relationship has grown, and he has been there with me as I rebuild my broken self again, as I have been with his. 

The boys have been very supportive of us, mostly Tag, having to accept everything and being a real man about it. In almost six months, Tag matured and is now trying to be in a serious relationship with Bea, a fine young lady from town. Tag is happy and so are we for him.

Kayne finally got back with Vanessa, they have been in contact for the past months and tried to rekindle what they had. Vanessa decided to come home every month to help ease the pain they feel when they are apart and I have convinced Kayne to also go visit her once in a while. I have learned all things needed for the system in the cabin and so Kayne could go whenever he please.

Rob in the other hand has been slowly testing waters with his sexuality. He came out to Gage about his confusion and Gage said that he knew all along.  After Thanksgiving, the three of us head out to the city, a few hours away, for some drinks in a new scene while Vanessa was visiting Kayne, and Tag with Bea. Gage asked his brother to let loose and just follow his heart. After a few hours and a couple of bottles down, Rob finally worked his way with a female. And after some time, and more alcohol, with a male. We can't help but be proud of him. Since then he has been confident of his bi-sexuality and finally came out to all his brothers.

Everything seems to be stable in our lives. Today's Christmas eve. My first Christmas with them, and of course with Gage. The last one I had was very busy, we were all preparing for my wedding day. So, yes, the anniversary of the death of all the people in my life is about to come. If I did not find this cabin, Eric, Lily, the guys, and Gage, then I'd still be alone by now. But I did find them, and so, four days from now, sorrowful memories would be mixed with the happiness of the present. 

"You're doing that again," Gage said concerned. He propped his elbow on the pillow and is observing my every move. "Let me in your thoughts, you've been deep in it for days."

"Four days from now, it's gonna be one year, one whole year that they are gone."

He sighed, quickly wrapped me in his arms and kissed my head. "That's four days for you and ten for me."

I shifted so I can look at him, "You never told me that." Although I understand because we never talked about the speci0fics of those incidents in our life. 

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