Chapter 25 - Dive

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My feet grip on to the rocks as I balance myself up high. The crashing waters beneath me build up the excitement. The breeze prickling my damp skin as I take in the view from the top.

Kayne and Tag already set up our tents, Gage preparing our meals over the blazing fire. And Rob, being playful and cheering on me down at the beautiful serenity-pool. "C'mon Rachelle, Jump!"

I'm situated on the highest rock up the falls about to jump into the landing pool. I started around five feet high, feeling braver, I increased height for each jump, enjoying the rush of adrenaline seeping through my body. But now, a slight fear cripples its way into the pit of my stomach. The height from atop is way more different than it looks from below.

I see and hear Rob still cheering for me to jump. The other three stopped what they were doing and went to the small rocks near the deep pool and join in on with Rob's cheers.

"Go Rachelle!"

"You can do it!"


I took a deep breath, bent my knees and assaulted the open air before me. The fall made my heart skip a beat. The speed I was approaching the landing pool sends shivers down my spine. I lift my arms up in the air and stretched my legs down while screaming at the top of my lungs. What took like forever, came quickly as my toes finally hit the water, submerging my whole body down the pool in a matter of seconds.

I opened my eyes to see foaming bubbles around me and the beautiful rocks surrounding me underneath as the water retracts my body up to the surface.

My spirit rises right out of my chest as I hear echoes of cheers from the boys. The victory I feel from that jump brought a huge smile on my face. I feel so happy, so fulfilled, so free.

Rob approached me where I emerged and we did a little victory dance of our own in the water, while the others continued hooting on the sides.

As I gain more and more confidence, Rob and I continued our ascent to the top to jump back right into the deep water. Soon after the other three join in on us, taking turns on jumping. We even attempted to jump all at once in a big group hug with me right in the center. Our gleeful momentum halted as soon as our tummies rumbled in hunger.

Tag approached me wrapping my towel around my shivering body as we got out of the water, thanking him in the process.

The sumptuous lunch wrapped in tin foil contains a small grilled burger, with taco salad on the side and freshly cooked balsamic black beans. We all dug in and finished off with some cold beer.

The rest of the day was spent in and out of the water until chilly winds of dusk brought us to curl around the bonfire. We were all seated around the fire taking refuge in its warmth as we munch on our S'Mores. Chocolate, crackers, and marshmallows on sticks splayed before us as we exchange stories.

"Ugh Rachelle, sorry to ask but," Kayne gently trailed off beside me. "How are you coping up right now? We all see that you laugh more, you talk to us all the time but really, how are you?"

"Honestly I hate when people ask me that, but right now I've come to face it positively. I guess I have begun to accept everything and am making the most of what I have. My life wouldn't revolve around the accident. I promise myself to live life to the fullest, because I know that's what they would want me to do, what Paul and most especially my parents would want me to do. And to top that, I am not doing this on my own, I'm so thankful to have all of you. We may have started on the wrong foot with all my lies, but you all accepted me despite everything, and still took me in is beyond my expectation."

Tears began to pool in my eyes when I felt Kayne grabbed my shoulder and pulled me in a sideways hug and Tag's warm hand settled on my knee. Despite the blazing fire I heard Rob across me, make an 'awww' sound and saw his lips pouted making him look like an adorable puppy, and Gage, beyond the stems of fire I saw him gently nod his head with a sweet smile tugged up his lips.

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