Chapter 13

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Ha I scared you last chapter didn't I? Well let's get on with it...

Tears formed in Kaito's eyes. "Y-you're not joking right?" He whispered, his hand covering his mouth.

Jin slowly shook his head no, and motioned inside the hospital room.

Without a second thought Kaito ran inside the room, and Jin shut the door behind him.

"Baby?" Kaito whispered his voice wavering.

"H-hey." Summer said turning her head towards Kaito.

"Baby!!" Kaito screamed before running to Summer. He grasped her hand. "You scared me so much, please don't do that again." Kaito cried.

"I'm fine now baby." Summer whispered.

"How long was I out?" Summer asked.

"You were in a coma for 7 weeks, so like 2 months." Kaito said burring his face into Simmer side.

"What did you do while I was gone?" Summer said trying to hide her shock.

"I was bullied, and then we caught the man who shot you. A-and I killed him, I put a bullet through his fucking brain." Kaito said with suck hatred in his voice.

Masking her anger towards Jungkook for letting Kaito kill whoever shot her she patted the space next to her. "Lay with me? Please?" She said in a small voice.

With a nod Kaito climbed over Summer and settled between her and the wall.

A few minutes later after Kaito fell asleep Jin walked into the room.

"The guys are getting restless they want to come in." He said.

"Let them come in." Summer whispered.

Jin left the room and all of a sudden the guys ran into the room. They crowded around the bed, while Tony stood right behind Daeseok calming him down and Faith stood in the door way.

"We missed you so much Summer!!" Baekyeol cried.

"We love you so much." He said stroking her hair.

The guys continued talking quietly as to not wake Kaito.

However since they were talking quietly Faith misunderstood Baekyeol and thought he said, "I love you so much."

Faith felt tears in her eyes. "Is he cheating on me?" She whispered before backing out of the room and running to the livingroom.

As she ran she was covering her eyes so she couldn't see where she was going resulting in her bumping into Taeyeon.

Taeyeon stumbled and went to yell at the person who bumped into her before realizing it was Faith and she was crying on the floor.

"What's wrong Faith?" Taeyeon said squatting on the floor.

"N-nothing, I just want to go h-home." Faith sniffled.

Taeyeon stood up and pulled Faith up off the ground. "Well then let's go, I'll take you home."

With a nod Faith grabbed her backpack off the couch and walked outside with Taeyeon.

•Back With Summer•

"Hey where'd the girl in the doorway go?" Summer said noticing there wasn't anyone in the doorway anymore.

"What do you mean she's right-" Baekyeol said turning around but then seen Faith was gone.

"She was just right here..." Baekyeol said turning back around.

"She probably just went to get something. Now tell me, who was that?" Summer said.

"That's my girlfriend Faith. It's the first time I've brought her over and we've been dating for 3 weeks." Baekyeol said rubbing the back of his neck.

"Ekkk!!" Summer yelled Before grunting in pain. "I shouldn't have done that." She grunted.

The guys rolled their eyes. "Hey explain why you can control your powers again?" Daeseok said.

"Powers? What powers?" Tony said unwrapping his arms from Daeseoks waist.

"Great going shithead." Summer said hitting Daeseok on the arm.

"Well my dad, his siblings and I have powers. Basically we're shapeshifters able to shift into anything we want." Summer said with a sigh as she shifted into something easy.

Tonys eyes popped out and Summer shifted back. "And my dad and his siblings can't control their powers when they feel a strong emotion like love, lust, sadness, etc. so my dad made this pill that they take that suppresses their powers for 24 hours and the only way to use their powers in that 24 hours is if they use this other drug, or get really really scared which will counter affect the pills." Summer said shrugging.

"That's why they always act so cold. If they do show emotion it means they took the pills. Now since my dad is a shapeshifter but my mom was a human, I have better control of my powers meaning I can show emotion without losing control." Summer said as Kaito woke up.

"And we use our powers to help with our assassinations." Summer said closing her eyes.

Daeseok smacked her arm, "Great going bitch."

(They call each other names for fun like it's playful teasing)

"Assassins?" Tony said.

Summer sighed, "Sorry Daeseok."

"That's so cool!!" Tony squealed making everyone look at him.

"Y-you don't care?" Daeseok said.

"Nope. I love you no matter what." Tony said making Daeseok smile and grab his hands.

"Does Kaito know your assassins and have powers?" Tony said.

"Yeah, he's known since we started dating." Summer said. She glanced back at the door.

"Your girlfriend isn't back yet." Summer said.

Baekyeol whipped around, and started walking out the room.

Not even 5 minutes later he ran back in the room. "She's not here!! I checked the whole house!" He said the fear evident in his eyes.

Even though she didn't know the girl Summer grew worried as well. "Throw me my phone." She said.

Baekyeol got her phone and threw it at Summer, and Kaito caught it before she could. He sat up and logged on.

He ignored the stares given to him. "Lena pull up the security feed today, near the hospital room."

He handed the phone back to Summer after finding the right feed. "What? I've been taking assassin lessons from your dad." Kaito said shrugging.

"Hey look, there's Faith." Tony said pointing at the screen.

Everybody turned and watched as Faith backed up out the room and ran away crying. Baekyeol grew more worried as he watched Taeyeon drive away with Faith to take her home.

When the video finished Summer looked up and glared at Baekyeol. "What did you do to make the poor girl cry?"

"Nothing I swear. We were talking to you the whole time." Baekyeol said.

Kaito bursted our laughing. "I-I'm sorry, this is really funny. She's jealous! She thinks you are cheating on her with Summer! Look at the time," Kaito said pointing to the screen, "that's about the time you said that y'all loved Summer. But since Faiths all the way at the doorway it probably sounded like you said that you love Summer and she must of gotten the wrong idea!" Kaito said.

"That, That surprisingly makes complete sense." Summer said.

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