Chapter 2

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Summer and Kaito burst into the room. "Shit I'm screwed." Summer said falling onto her bed.

"Why?" Kaito asked sitting next to her.

"Uncle Jin is the WORST at keeping secrets, which means in about 10 seconds everyone is going to be bursting in here." Summer said.


"Everyone." Summer said sitting up.



"And 1."

The door to Summer's room bursted open and all of her family came rushing in.

She quickly got up and stood in front of Kaito. "Leave him alone." She hissed.

"He's hurt, and if you dare touch him you will be hurt too." She said her eyes flashing red, a small warning to her family to stay away. Luckily Kaito was behind her and didn't see her eyes change color.

"Summer, I'm fine." Kaito said reaching forward and moving her aside.

Kaito felt someone staring at him, making him look up, and meet eyes with someone. "Probably her father." He thought.

"Ya know what I'm not fine you can hide me now." Kaito said moving behind Summer.

For some reason unknown to Kaito this seemed to register something making Summer mad.

"Be right back." She hissed, before taking off after the pair of eyes that were glaring at Kaito.

"Papa get back here now!" Summer yelled as the crowd parted in half letting Summer run by.

Once Summer was out of the room everyone turned to Kaito.

"H-hi." He squeaked.

"Let the poor boy breath guys!!" A girl said emerging through the crowd followed by a girl and a boy who looked like her.

"Hi sweetie I'm Taeyeon, that's Seohyun and Jeongguk. We're siblings of-"

"Summers dad. Yeah I know." Kaito said moving back a little.

"How?" Seohyun said.

"Um when we were going downstairs to the medical room some people passed us. And Summer said they were her Uncles Yoongi, and Jeongguk, married, and her papa and dad."

Kaito tried to pulled his knees up to chest but he let out a painful yelp and put his legs back down.

"That seemed like it hurt. Did Summer beat you up or something?" Jeongguk said smiling at that thought.

"Ah- not exactly, more like the bullies were beating me up and then Summer beat the crap out of their leader."

Just then Summer walked in with a victory smile on her face, followed by Taehyung who had a couple bruises on his arms and face.

Summer walked over to the bed pushed Jeongguk out of the way and fell next to Kaito leaning her head on his shoulder, making Kaito blush.

"They didn't give you any trouble did they?" Summer asked.

"N-nope none at a-all." Kaito said, his face now like a tomato.

"That's good." Summer said lifting her head up, "Well I guess it time to tell you who is who."

"Ok people line up now!" Summer said clapping her hands. A few people sighed but lined up anyways.

"Ok so there's Jin, Namjoon, and their wife Seohyun. Hobi, and his husband Jimin. Jeongguk and his husband Yoongi. Taeyeon and her wife Amber. And that's Papa, and Dad isn't here right now." Summer said pointing to all of them.

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