Chapter 11

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•2 weeks later•

Summer was in critical condition, and after forcing her out of her form she still needed life support.

Kaito had become distant and cold. He didn't eat, or sleep. And when the bullies at school attacked him when he was away from the boys he didn't fight back.

They all tried to get Kaito to open up but he just shrugged off their advances.

Kaito didn't know if they had caught the man because no one told him if they did. He did know where the interrogation room was but he didn't go down there.

He was currently in his and Summer's room staring blankly at the ceiling again.

He remained quiet as people passed by the door, and without meaning too he eavesdropped on their conversation.

"No one not even Jungkook can get that man to break. I mean he's been down their for almost two weeks and no one cane get him to talk about why he tried to shoot Summer." One lower ranked man said.

Kaito stopped listening and shot up. "So they did catch the bastard."

Once the men walked away Kaito slipped out of the room and went down stairs.

He walked through the halls until he reached the interrogation room stairs. The room was in the basement of the house, and no one liked to go down their.

Kaito silently went down the steps and into the room.

"Kaito!" Jungkook said in supprise. This made everyone turn and look at him. Unsurprisingly all of Summer's family including her cousins were there.

Kaito looked over at the one man tied to a chair and squinted. "Now why do you look so familiar." Kaito muttered.

Ignoring the protests coming from the men and Jungkook's bloody shirt he walked in front of the man.

(I've been dying to use this)

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(I've been dying to use this)

"Who are you?" Kaito said. And too everyone's surprise he answered.

"My name is Liam, Jeong Liam." Immediately Kaito's face changed from nothing to shock, surprise, and then pure anger.

"Why were you trying to kill me?" Kaito said.

"Kaito he was trying to kill Summer not you." Jungkook said stepping forward.

"Shut up." Kaito said making everyone gasp.

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