"You- oh. Oh!" my cheeks flamed when I realized it. That smell is the drug. Or the consequences? I really don't know. "Okay."

"So I'm just gonna take a few pictures and maybe we could find Bear for a brief interview." she smiled maliciously. "He might get a punishment and an advise, but don't worry for him. He's the team's star. They can't kick him out nor anything, so just go."

We get to the corner of the room, finally out that tide of moving bodies; but my relief was cut short by the sudden feeling of being trapped. Great. That's why I don't come to these kind of events.

"Taylor will kill us when she came back." I shouted to Vickie's ear over the music and she sent me a quick hesitant smile.

Taylor was our other best friend, and she, unlike us, is really into this kinda stuff; but never gets to convince us to attend these parties. She was on a weekend trip with her boyfriend, Kevin. He'd come two years ago from South Korea and the explosive personality of Taylor got his attention practically from minute one. That and the fact that she's almost the only person in Roosevelt High, shorter than him. They are lovely, and tomorrow would be their anniversary.

And after that she'd kill us.

Someone offered us red glassed with a suspicious substance inside, but since I now knew what was it that I was smelling I refuse to let someone tapped me. Luckily, Vickie was reasonable as well, and began making photos. I just hoped she was quick so we could get the hell out there.

I worked on the Roosevelt Daily as well, but Vickie was the one in charge of the gossip section. My article this week was about the new painted wall and how did the bright color affected students' attention. Charming, I know, but I needed those credits if I wanted to get into Brown, so I'm not complaining.

Then I spotted him, like a sign. The crowd parted and several feet from there he was: Justin Ames. My breath got caught at his sight, as always and when his blue, mesmerizing orbs found mine; I felt heat rushing up my cheeks.

He's sooo perfect...

I had to admit, I got this big crush on him ever since we got paired in ninth grade to do some project. But there was just a tiny, little problem...


Always Karen.

You think that I should have learnt my lesson by now, especially after last week's fiasco, but I seemed to forget every time he smiles. Like he was doing right now. Staring right at me, his dimples showing and making my guts curled.

"Earth to Hailey." my attention was snapped back at Vickie, who was now eying me that way I hated. Both her and Taylor'd been super bitchy about our interactions. Not that I blame them, after all they'd also been who supported me when he left me a sobbing, heartbreak mess... but still...


"Forget it."

"Forget what?" I wondered innocently but one look and I knew she saw right through my act.

"Just... help me get some pictures. Okay? And we'll beat it." she sighed, clearly wanting to say more; but hating causing a scene just as much as I did.

"Fine." and pulled out my own phone, doing as was told, but then I felt a warm hand over my shoulder and heart fluttered immediately.

"'Sup, Hails." I looked up and blushed hard at Justin's piercing gaze and body heat due to our near position. He's so close... and damn, smell amazing. He gave me a quick once over and my whole skin burned. ""You look great."

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