Chapter 20, Last Breath

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Katelyn's POV

Shit, we're under attack. Aidens stupid army of zombies, they think the hunter who killed him is in here, he got himself killed. Dumbass. Jess has stayed a human since she got turned and then came back from the dead. Now my weekend is ruined! I have to fight these stupid bitches and protect my friends, they've crossed a line and now they're gonna pay the price.

Mia's POV

The zombies are banging on the door, everyone's running around the house blocking the doors and windows with wood and furniture. Their getting their weapons ready, I've already covered my side cause I'm prepared, Aiden was once my friend, and now he's gone. These zombies want a fight we'll give them a fight. Ethan's gone to find the biggest gun in the mansion, of course.


Fuck! They broke in. I grab my gun and start shouting. 

"Guys! GUYS HURRY!" I yell shooting at the zombies. Jeez, there's so many. I see Felicity and the guys behind me shooting back at them. A zombie then came from behind and was about to bite my arm, luckily Ethan shot him like 5 times already so I'm pretty sure he's dead. 

"Babe are you ok? Did he bite you?" Ethan says putting his hand on my cheek. "I'm ok, let's just get this over with, I'll reward you tonight." I reply "I'll try not to die." He said back. "Good call," I say standing up and kissing him on the head. I hear him silently laughing then continue shooting more zombies.

Dezi's POV

The one time I don't have my gun is today, I heard the door smash and a few windows being broken as I'm running across the hallway. I need to find my gun! I head into me and Henry's bedroom to look for my gun, I can't find it anywhere! I hear a lot of banging and gunshots, I feel like I'm gonna have an anxiety attack, then I remembered I put it in the lab! Before Jess went out. 

I sneak past everyone and head back inside the lab, I don't see my gun I only see the antidote, glowing in the center of the room, it's caught my attention. Holy shit no no no no zombies are coming my way. 

I close the lab doors then drink half the antidote and hide. I wasn't thinking straight! I've been terrified of them ever since I was little, and now my nightmares have come true. Oh god the door broke, I see them, it's a girl, probably in her late 20's, it's only her. This is my chance to leave, I sneak past the desks as she's looking on the other side. I go running out of the room and the floorboards make a small noise, SHIT!

Henry's POV

I legit came out of the bathroom 2 minutes ago and now I've been shooting and cutting zombies in half. "There's too many of them! We need to get more ground, I'll cover the left." Katelyn says yelling at the top of her lungs over all these zombies yelling. Guess I'm taking the right. Hold on. I see Katelyn going left, then I see Jess just coming up behind me and Felicity and the guys near the living room blocking the door. Where's Dezi?

Dezi's POV

That's it. This is how I die, the zombie is chasing me around the lab making me run like a maniac, I'm throwing glasses and test tubes to keep her distracted but it's not working, I'm panicking so much I want to scream but it will cause more attention, Zombies are attracted to noise, I then throw the last tube and I trip on broken glass, great now my leg is bleeding. 

She stopped, she just stares at me. Will she spare me? No zombies don't have feelings, all they do is kill! I need to do so much in life, I want to travel the world, marry Henry, start a family in a peaceful world. But not anymore. I'm still shocked at how she hasn't bitten me. 

She kneels down and says this weird word I've never heard before, did she just try to communicate with me? I say nothing back, I still keep my shocked face, she then grabs my arm and bites the living life out of me, literally. I scream as loud as I've ever screamed before, I scream so loud I think my family can hear me all the way from Japan, it was my last breath, just a scream, a scream I wish could save my life. 

She puts my arm down and I stop moving, I slowly close my eyes and the last thing I see is a broken lab and a runaway zombie. She left me there, all alone, waiting for me to turn. I sit there in pain. Slowly and painfully transforming into a disgusting dead thing.

Elijah's POV

Wow, this is harder than I thought it would be! I've played so many video games like this and now it's finally happening in real life. I think this is the last wave of zombies that are in this area, we've already killed over 1000 zombies, we must be over soon. I see everyone finishing off the zombies one by one they go out like a night light. I'm not thinking about anything right now, not my friends, not my family, not Katelyn, not Aiden, It's Just me, only me, it's our job to save our lives, it's our job to survive.

Josh's POV

It's done, we did it. Their all dead, well, not all the zombies just the ones that are near us. I'm happy it's over, and no one got hurt, well except me I only got a cut on my arm from the broken glass but that's about it. 

"Is everyone ok? No one got bitten?" Katelyn said coming in with the first aid kit. We all shook our heads. "May I?" I ask if I could take a few bandages for my arm, she hands them over to me. " I'm so happy it's over, now we can rest," I say bandaging my arm. 

"Wooooo, Yeah! It's over." Everyone cheers hugging each other and giving fist bumps. 

We see Henry running down the South hall with tears in his eyes. "Guys! Where's Dezi?" Henry said frightened. Oh my gosh, I didn't even think where she was or if she was missing. 

" We have to look for her now! Everyone split up." Mia says heading outside to the garden. I go upstairs with Felicity to go see if she was hiding.

Heyyy, what do u think about this chapter??? 


Me and my best friend dezi worked on this together!

Go follow her


LOVE YOoOoOoOoooo xxx

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