Chapter 29, Watch your back

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Katelyn's POV

What an awkward way to start the morning from  last nights issues...

"So guys, we were all talking about going on a road trip so why don't we go to the aquarium first, it's on the way to the theme park," Jess asks. 

"Yeah that would be nice, an abandoned aquarium, I wonder if all the fish are alive?" Ethan says popping a pancake into his mouth.

Once we've finished breakfast we pack some stuff in the cars, all the girls go in the red Ferrari and all the guys go in the white Mitsubishi. We're about 30 minutes away from the Aquarium and we surprisingly don't see any zombies yet. Probably because we went through the Freeway and not near the City. The drive is quiet, I can tell Dezi's about to say something to lighten the mood. 

"Not off to a great start...Pleaseeee no more silence." She says making the girls laugh. 

The girls get in a good mood and everyone starts chatting. Everybody except Felicity. "I'm sorry about Lucy." Mia tells Felicity.

 "I'm not," I say smiling innocently. She deserved it, she was nothing but a crazy little child.

"It's ok, I guess it was for the best," Felicity says sighing.

 "Hey, did you hear what Damon said to Mia?" Dezi says in a loud whisper. Felicity giggles and Mia's head instantly turns our way and her cheeks are flushed pink. "He said sweet cheeks." 

"Aww, Mia that's so cute!" Dezi says in a sing-song voice. 

"Guys please just no, I have Ethan." Mia replies while her cheeks turn brighter. 

"Anyways peeps, we are here!" Taylor says as she parks the car in the abandoned carpark.

Elijah's POV

We're driving down in the car, not too far from the Aquarium now. We need to see if there's any life still living around the city so this is the perfect place to go before the theme park. Taylor's pretty sure there would be one there, all the airplanes at the airport were taken off to other countries, but one crashed at the theme park before the virus hit the news.

 Me and the guys have just been talking about the crazy stuff that's been happening. We've learned more about Damon too so it's like a bonding experience. Apparently he did soccer, Basketball and Football ever since he was in prep! Now that's some talent. Then out of nowhere Ethan asks, "What's with you in flirting with every single girl?" He says getting closer to Damon. 

"Not every girl." he says smiling back at him. 

"Not my girl or I will seriously consider burning you too." Henry threatens. 

"I've said sorry like a thousand times." Damon tells Henry keeping a straight face. 

"You've got a lot to do to earn my trust, and it ain't coming any time soon." Henry says looking back through the window. Josh turns around and sees 3 zombies come up running behind the car.

"Uhhh Guys, zombies at 2 o'clock," Josh says crouching down trying to reach his gun. 

"I've got this one." Henry and Ethan pull both their windows down and start shooting the zombies. They drop down like flies. They close the windows up and lock the doors. 

"Now that's how it's done," I say driving at full speed. We see the girls head into the car park, the aquarium looks completely deserted. I haven't seen it this empty before. I wonder what it's like inside. We park the cars right next to the girls and head out seeing them unlocking the doors and we head inside.

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