Chapter 24, Lucy

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Lucy's POV

I am trying to outrun the zombies that are chasing me. I really don't wanna get eaten today! They are getting closer and closer by the second. I keep running, but I need to see if they are following me stil. The second i turn I trip and roll my ankle. I can't open my eyes!


I wake up starving. I am craving savory food. I have no idea where I am. Where are the zombies? I blink a few times and stand up. "Ouch!" I yell as I feel a jolt of pain go through my whole right leg. My eyes begin watering because of the sudden shock of pain. Tears flow down my cheek and I feel a liquid roll down my leg too. I look at where the liquid is coming from. Oh gosh, It's coming from down there! I have a stomach ache and I'm bleeding from down there. How!? Why now?

I pull myself up so I'm sitting straight and unbutton my shorts. "Omg, omg, omg, omg, this has never happened before! I think it' period? I'm too young to get it so why is it here?" I ask nobody. I pull my boot off and take my sock off and place it in my underwear to hold the bleeding for now.

I look down at my ankle and notice a white lump popping through my skin. Omg it's my bone! I begin crying again and the pain starts kicking in. I try to get up but my ankle hurts too much. I see nearby abandoned cars so I assume that they might have something in them. I try to hop but it still hurts so I roll. I can't think of any better option but to roll.

I'm rolling along the grass towards the abandoned cars and I see some pizza shapes in the back of one through the open door. I get up and guide my way towards the car slowly. I climb into the car and rush over to the shapes. I open the box and see the beautiful biscuits in there. 

"Hello, I am going to eat you now, I have had a bad day so deal with it." I say as I eat the chips. I've never tasted such good shapes. I sit in the car and eat my shapes. These angelic biscuits made by god are fulfilling my hunger and I am not starving anymore.

I get out of the car. I slowly and painfully crawl over to the other few cars near me. My ankle is killing me but I hold pain in and hope that it's not broken. I always try to be positive about things so I don't jinx myself. I try to be a good human being. I'm all for saving the planet and doing what's best for Mother Nature.

 Even though I'm only 9 I'm able to do these types of things. Every small thing that I do does make an impact on the planet, even though there's not much left of it.

I finally get to a red Mazda and climb in through the front, I search around the car and through the glove boxes in search of something hat might be useful. I open the glove box in the passengers side and I see a sex toy. 

Omg ewwww! It's so gross, I don't know why grown ups have these things but I think they play with them or something. Maybe they're just decorations. I use a tissue to manoeuvre the weird looking plastic penis thing out of the way and I keep digging though the glove box. I see something with a plus sign on it and it says med kit.

 I take it out of the glove box and open it up. Fair enough, it's a medical kit and it will come in handy. I take the bottle of alcohol out and tip it over my open wound on my ankle. Now that I'm having a better look at it, it's looks dislocated. Shit! I've seen in movies how they push it back into place so I decide that's what I'm going to do.

I take off my other sock and shove it in my mouth to prevent myself from screaming and drawing attention to myself. I prepare myself for the extreme pain that I'm going to bring on my self. I'm gonna sing shake it off by Taylor swift and that should calm me. That song is like the best song ever Taylor swift and Katy perry are the best singers ever!  

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