Chapter 16, No time to waste

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A/N- Why don't we is the photo above. They are a popular band and Mia and Felicity are obsessed with them. Jonah- Top left, Daniel- Middle, Corbyn- Top right, Jack- Bottom left, Zack- Bottom right. Their band is literally amazing and their music is so good! I will tell you now if you start watching their videos and listen to their music on youtube then you will 100% love them! 

*Mia's POV*

I wake up next to Ethan and the traumatic events that happened yesterday hit me. I can't believe that I saw a baby burn! I try to wake myself up by refreshing my brain with more and more thoughts. So much for being relaxed. I eventually find the effort to pull myself out of bed and head to the shower. I filter my thoughts through the hot water and they go down the drain with the water and my disgust. I head downstairs and I still smell the baby. 

It makes me sick. I quickly run to the bathroom and throw up my empty guts. When I head back to the kitchen I still smell the rotten flesh of the baby and even a bit of smoke, so i hold my breath hoping I don't pass out. 

I reach the kitchen and still smell the baby. I CAN NOT DO THIS. I walk over the cleaning cupboard, I hold my breath and grab out strong disinfectant sprays, I also grab a mask to cover my face from the disgusting, dead, burnt, rotten flesh, human smell. I put some big yellow gloves on. I spray some eucalyptus spray on my mask and put it on.

 I walk out with two big cans of disinfectant and start walking around the house with my fingers firmly pressed against the tops of the cans. I spray my cans around the room singing material girl and then the stars wars theme song. Don't ask why.

I stop when my cans run out of spray. I hop back into the kitchen and take my mask off, I breathe in the refreshing smell of chemicals. Ahhh lovely. The poisonous toxins of disinfectant spray. It's better than dead babies. I walk through the house enjoying the smell of the clean germ killing sprays that I sprayed around the whole house. 

*Elijah POV*

I decide I wanna get Katelyn back. I carefully make my way on top of her and put my finger in her belly button without her knowing. She wakes up and starts screaming. I then blow a raspberry on her stomach and tickle her after. She looks happy. This is one of a few times I've seen her looking happy since we have gotten here. We call a truce which I know she is not going to follow, and I lie back down and snuggle up to her. 

*Mia's POV*

There are so many things I miss about my old life. I have realized how much I didn't appreciate it. I used to always think the internet and data was there for me. I relied on it. Now, look where I am. Can't even get a damn bar of signal anymore. Yes, I still kept my phone, you never know when I could get another bar. 

But now I'm not single anymore I don't have to worry about stuff like that. Now I can enjoy spraying disinfectant sprays around the house and inhaling the toxic fumes. Ah, the shit I do. One thing I hope is still ok is that ~Why Don't We~ are alive. I would hate for the amazing band to be dead. They are my soul. Jonah has my heart.

Hoi, Do any of you guys listen to why don't we. They are an amazing band, I will list some of their best songs below!

Hope you are loving the book so far. Almost at 500 views!

Why Don't We Songs

~These girls                     ~What am I                                  ~Taking you                          ~Just to see you smile

~Talk                                  ~Unbelievable                            ~Hard                                      ~Falling

~Cold In LA.                    ~8 letters                                       ~Invitation                            ~I depend on you

~Hooked                         ~Come to Brazil                          ~Friends                                ~Air of the night

~Trust fund baby.       ~I don't belong in this club    ~Words I didn't say          ~M.I.A

~Big plans                     ~Something different               ~Choose                                ~Boomerang

~I still do                       ~Nobody gotta know                ~Free                                       ~Kiss you this Christmas

~Don't change           ~In too deep                                  ~Why don't we just           ~You & me at Christmas

Soooo that's literally all of their songs and it's almost 1 am.

I am so tireddddddd.




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