Chapter 28, Danger Keep Out

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Jess's POV

Why can't we just be at peace for once? This random guy came in the house and tried to kill Dezi. I was so close to putting a bullet in his eye. Taylor thankfully negotiated with him and saved Dezi's life. She's a real hero. A hot one if you ask me. 

"You have a lot of explaining to do," Mia says with a hint of anger in her tone. All the girls and guys have huddled around Damon. Henry and Dezi are still in the bedroom comforting one another. 

"You've had your time now fess up," I say. 

"Ok, ok, chill out," Damon replies. 

"I have been alive for 847 years, and I am a vampire, as you may see by my teeth. And don't go saying vampires aren't real, because they are. I am." Damon explains. Everybody's mouths are practically laying on the floor.

I never thought a vampire could exist until now. I had always thought they were a myth or fairytale in children's books and movies. But I have now discovered the truth.

"Do you want to suck our blood, or drink us or whatever it is you vampires do?" Felicity asks. 

"No, of course not, I can eat a variety of different foods, not blood. The garlic thing is a lie. I am truly a good vampire I guess. I consider myself the same as you guys. I can wander around in the sun and can turn into a bat at night." He states.

 "So basically you are a "human with benefits" type of thing?" Taylor asks him.

 "Yeah you could say that, can you guys let me go now? The ropes are kinda hurting. It's no way to treat an old yet good lookin guy like me."

He says looking at the rope wrapped tightly around his wrists. 

"Oh, yeah sorry, just precautions." Katelyn says as she unties him. They untie the ropes and he does a huge stretch then looks back at us. 

"Can I ask, Why are you here and how did you get passed the gate and in the house? And why would you attack Dezi?" I say getting closer to him. 

"Ok first, I've been passing zombies and trying to survive this thing and thought I could get away from the country then found this killer mansion. Second, the gate I have super speed, super hearing, some mind-reading and can shapeshift. Third, I saw her through the window and she looked like a zombie so I went in the house and tried to kill her, then I saw you guys and Henry then realized she's good." Damon finished.

Wow, he had a full answer to that. 

"Now let me ask you guys, how come she looks like a zombie and what's with this cure you guys were talking about?" He asks crossing his arms.

 "I'll take this one, hi I'm Elijah, Katelyn's boyfriend. This is her house and we came here to survive, Dezi and Henry are engaged. Dezi drank the cure before she got bitten then Henry kissed her and now their both half-human half-zombie. That's Mia and Ethan they are also together. Lucy is the 20-year-old, she was experimented on and now she ages every day, and Felicity and Josh are together. Were all close friends and have been through a lot of shit and we are making a cure to survive this thing."Elijah said pretending to drop a mic.

 "Wow well done, I kinda already knew that since I can read minds as well, I had to do a background check on you all." He said smiling. 

"Well now you know everything, are you gonna help us?" Mia says raising her eyebrow. "Yeah, I've lost my friends and my baby sister so I've got nothing else to lose, might as well save the world." He says getting up. 

"Well now you're with us you might as well help everyone pack, we leave tomorrow morning, me and Taylor are just gonna clear some stuff up in the lab, see you guys around," I say taking Taylor as we leave the room.

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