Chapter 11, Marry Me

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Henry's POV

I'm so nervous to ask her this. What if she says no! I take the ring out of my bedside table and kneel down on the bed.

 "Dezi.." I begin "Will you marry me?" I ask her waiting nervously for a response. "Henry I.." She begins. She's gonna say no. I knew this was a stupid idea! 

"Henry, oh god, of course, I will, I love you so much! Oh my god!" She says happily starting to cry happy tears. I smile and kiss her, I then slide the ring on her finger. It fits perfectly. It looks stunning on her finger. The love of my life wearing something almost as beautiful as her.

Dezi's POV

Henry looks nervous about what he is going to say. He looks like he is about to break up with me. What would I do without him in my life, I need him, he is my supporter, my hero.

 "Dezi..Will you marry me?" He asks me. OMG. What! Whaaatttt! whaattttttttt! 

"Henry I...Henry oh god, of course, I will, aw I love you so much." I reply back to him. He smiles and then leans in and kisses me, I kiss him back. I can't believe this is happening. I don't even care that we are in the middle of the zombie apocalypse because the only thing keeping me going. Is him. He places the ring on my finger and I look at it with awe. It's beautiful. It is my symbol of love.

Blake's POV

They put me in a dark room. I think it's the basement. I am in the basement! Really? Do I really deserve this? All I wanna do is be with the love of my life and then we can be together forever. I think a way to get in between their relationship is kill their baby. Since when did they have a fucking baby? All of a sudden I see Elijah, Henry and three other guys come into the room. 

"So Blake, tell us what the fuck you're doing here and everything will go nice and painless." Elijah tells me. 

Bahaha as if I'm gonna listen to him, he's gotten everything that's meant to be mine, such as my girl, her money, this house, her heart, and everything else that you could imagine that comes with her.

 "Yeah uh I think I'm good thanks anyways though." I say smiling and staring at him looking deep into his eyes. He is definitely getting agitated with me. Good. He throws a fist at my face, busting my lip, I taste the blood. I don't know why I am doing this for some stupid girl, but the thing is she isn't stupid she is god damn amazing.

Felicity's POV 

Wow. That, now that was amazing. Josh is amazing. We. Are. Fucking. Endgame.

Jess's POV

I think I'm starting to fall in love with Aiden. His rosy pink lips are the best. His freckles on his nose, are the cutest thing ever. I never thought i'd be with another guy, never had luck finding love at this age. But he's so much more, he's so different. A good different. I'm hoping he knows how I feel. 

"Aiden." I say, "Yeah?" he replies.

 "I, I love you." I say meaning every one of those three words.

 "I love you too." He tells me back. I start tearing up. I've never had any of my boyfriends love me before. None of them have ever told me they love me so I thought it was impossible. But this was meant to be, Aiden and I. Me and Aiden. Forever and ever. Everything that has happened has had a purpose.


Love you guys <3 <3 <3

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