Chapter 19, Open Eye's

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Aiden's POV

I'm so happy to see Jess. I've missed her so much since I have turned. I've missed her beautiful skin, her golden hair that shines in the sun, her crystal ocean eyes and now, we are finally together. 

"You know I have been making an antidote and I took it right before I came outside to see you. I don't know whether or not it works. I'm hoping it does then I can help you turn too. I kinda feel different actually. Maybe it's the antidote. Maybe it's working." She tells me. "Maybe, hopefully. 

That would mean that we could be human again and we could do human things again. I kinda miss being a human.I reply.

"Yeah me too, and the food oh god I miss eating normal food." She replies laughing. We, zombies, predators, laughing. Weird right? Wrong. It's the best thing, just being with her. I do miss fucking burgers though!

We keep walking through the forest. I know Jess loves twilight so now that we are vampires I'm going to pull a twilight move. I see a deer. "Wanna kill a deer?" I ask "Omg yes!" She replies. We hide behind a tree that the deer is near. It is facing the opposite way eating grass so we sneak up behind it and Jess grabs it. Wow she is strong. But that's cute. She doesn't seem to be that interested in me anymore. Maybe it's because I look like this. 

Sorry can't help it. I'm kinda wanting to just be friends but I don't wanna tell her that. I watch her majestically run around the forest on the back of the deer.

I walk over and we eat the deer together. I hear grass rustling. I ignore it but I hear a stick snap. I begin to have this massive protective wall over Jess. 

"What's wrong?" She asks me. 

"I think we are being watched." I reply.

"ARE YOU HUMAN!" A loud female voice says coming out from the bush. 

"No, we are zombies, who are you?" I ask. "I'm Taylor. What are you guys doing so close to the mansion?" She asks us. "Uh well, we were originally from there. There's people there. Our friends." I reply.

"PEOPLE?!" She replies looking with a spark in her eye. She stares at Jess for a few seconds and Jess stares back and seems to be blushing, i'm confused. 

"Yeah our friends are there, we left the city with them and came here." Jess tells Taylor. "Oh ok. How come you look more human than a normal zombie?" She asks Jess. 

"I am studying science, almost an official scientist actually. So me being me decides to attempt to make an antidote. I played around with the genetics and I think I found a cure. I had the cure before I came out here actually and saw that Aiden was a zombie. So I think the antidote is woking on me, slowly but definitely working." Jess replies. 

"Oh my god, I would die for an antidote. I need to get out of my dead body and become alive again!" Taylor said with need in her eyes.

Jess POV

Aiden freezes all of a sudden. "What's wrong?" I ask. "I think we are being watched," he replies. I look around and then a female voice loudly asks us if we are human. Aiden talks to her a bit about us and our journeys. This girl is so beautiful. Even as a zombie. 

I can only imagine what she would look like as a human. Turns out her name is Taylor. She asks me why I look so human. I'm caught in a daze blushing. I think Aiden notices me staring at her so I quickly snap out of it.

We get to know each other a bit more and we head off to the mansion. Taylor comes with us. We walk around for a bit and I hear a gun reload. I slowly turn around and look behind me. I see a man in all black with a mask on. 

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