Chapter 15, Rest easy

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*Mia's POV*

We run out into the games room where all the others are playing pool. "Guys, we've discovered something about the virus," I say. 

"What did you find?" Ethan asks us. "We've found out that the virus expands. It mutates, like grows and reproduces itself. It's most likely that if you touch it you will get the virus and turn." Jess explains. "Oh wow, how come it's in the lab?" Josh asks. 

"Welllll I may have brought some flesh in to test it!..You know me the science nerd, I can't help myself!" Jess replies. "Ok, well everyone just stay away from it, and only enter the lab if you have protection on," Katelyn says. 

I head towards Levi's room to feed him his bottle. I walk into his nursery and I don't find him in his bed. Weird. I look around his room in hopes to find him but still no sign of him. Where could he be? I begin looking around the house. I search in all of the bedrooms and bathrooms but there's no sign of him. 

I go out into the hallway and decide to look in the lab because you never know he might've crawled on in there. I see that the lab door is open. Shit. I begin to start running towards the lab. I see Levi on the ground playing with the flesh DNA sample.

 I watch in shock as he opens the bag and pulls the flesh out and begins to start playing with it. I watch him move his arm upward towards his face. "NO!" I yell at him. But it's too late,  he has already put it in his mouth. He has a look of disgust written on his face. All of a sudden he starts screaming and all of his bones crack.

I watch in horror and start crying and screaming. I quickly run out of the room and shut the door. Aiden is walking down the stairs. 

"What the fuck!?" he yells as he comes up to the glass window looking at the baby, killing itself inside the lab. "What the hell is he doing, wait omg he is turning!" Aiden says shocked. 

"YES!" I say extremely traumatized. "OH GOD!" Jessica says walking in the room. We all watch the baby turn. All of a sudden he stops moving he just lays on the ground. Everything is silent. 

The zombie baby Levi rises all of a sudden came back to life and stood up! He started running around the floor of the lab destroying everything. He saw us and his deformed body ran at the door. He was so ugly that he was still kinda cute. He pushed his body against the thick glass door and tried to get through. He grabbed a chair and started smashing it against the wall. The door began to start cracking. 

"Guys we gotta do something he's gonna break through the glass and turn us all." I tried to say as calm as possible. "I've got an idea," Aiden replies. He runs down the hall to the garage. I hear clanging and banging. 

He comes back out with a weird-looking gun. "What are you planning to do with a paintball gun?" Jess asks "Well Jess, It's actually a flame thrower, and I'm planning to burn this little brat." Aiden replies. "Whatever, just hurry up he's gonna get through the glass any second now!" She yells. 

He quickly gets to the door and gets ready to aim at the baby zombie. The zombie gives it one last weird whack and the glass shatters. The zombie looks stunned for a second and then realizes we are there. It charges at us but Aiden is quick and he sets off the flame thrower and burns the zombie alive. 

The zombie doesn't seem to mind and continues chasing us. Aiden hits the zombie on the head. It turns his way and charges towards him. He leads it out the front. The zombie limps/speed walks and follows Alden outside and he manages to burn it to a crisp. We watch as he puts the flame thrower on full blast and the fire turns blue. 

I smell the rotten flesh of the melting zombie in the air. I hear its screeches. I watch its skin practically melt off of his body. I see all of his internal organs. It's a sight I wish I'd never seen.

I watch Aiden come back inside. "Well, that was traumatizing," Aiden says as he walks up to us. I watch as Katelyn, Dezi, And Felicity come down the stairs and look at us with horror on their faces. "What is that smell!" Dezi asks. "Oh, the smell it's called z-loaf, it's made with the finest spices and organs that you can find," I reply sarcastically. 

"Oh my god. No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you did not!" Felicity replies. "Yeah, we kinda did, Aiden may or may not have killed the baby with a flame thrower...," Jess replies. "So the baby got into the lab because someone left the door open, then he got into the bag of flesh and ate it. Then he turned into a little baby zombie and yeah, end result is stew." I explain. "Welp, there's my theory, too bad I never got to see it.

Once we had all gotten over the traumatizing incident from earlier, we managed to get down our dinner and have a nice finish to our night. 

*Dezi's POV*

Henry and I head off to bed, we have a shower together and take forever enjoying the warm water. We stand there in the dark under the hot water going down on our bodies relieving our tense muscles and full minds. My mind is full of so many thoughts right now. I can't believe the baby died. Is everyone going to turn into a zombie? Are there any survivors left? What's the world outside of this house like? Are there any people living in quarantine zones set by the army? Am I ever going to go outside these gates? 

My mind is full of thoughts but the shower is taking them down the drain. Henry and I hug each other in the shower and I fall out of consciousness. "Woah there let's get you to bed babe." Henry says as he helps me get out of the shower. He wraps the big warm towel around me and dries me off. He hands me some of my clothes and leaves the bathroom to go and get his underwear to put on. 

He comes back and I'm all dressed. "Can you carry me? I'm so tired." I ask him. "Aw, me too, "can you carry me?" He replies jokingly as he picks me up. He carries me into our bed and I fall asleep almost instantly.

 I wake up from a bad dream. The dream was that Henry got attacked by zombies and died. I look over and see Henry still next to me. Alive and well. I move closer to him and squeeze his hand under the covers, he squeezes my hand back and sigh in relief. I can finally sleep in peace again knowing he's ok. 

HEYYYY hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

I hope you guys love my amazeballs imagination. 

Keep reading its good for your grammar and it helps you improve your writing. Reading can be boring, trust me I know, but the key is you've gotta find a type of book that you like and it's always ok to step out of your comfort zone and try something new.

Well anyways my laptop is literally flashing on 0%!!!

Love you guys xxx

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