"Hey!" Brad and Harry said in unison, making Astrid laugh.

"Thanks, Happy. I needed that."

"So wait- they aren't in trouble?"

"No. But Peter is."

Happy listened intently as Astrid described everything to him, feeling himself grow more nervous by the second.

"Okay, let me just call Tony-"

"No! Pepper would kill me if I got him involved! Just- I know Peter can handle it. I just need you to find him, make sure he's okay."

"How am I supposed to do that?"

"I don't know. Figure it out."

"Fine- and what was this Mysterio guy's name again?"

"Quentin Beck."

"Yeah- I wish you would've told me about this sooner."

"Why?" Harley suddenly asked, leaning over to appear on the screen, "That name sound familar?"

"I was head of security for Stark industries- of course it does."

"Wait. He worked for Stark?" Harry asked as he turned around.

"Yeah. I remember him clearly because-"

"He was some creep?" Michelle finished for him.

"How many people are listening in on this conversation?"

"You're on speaker- but don't worry we're all the way in the back by ourselves."

"Yeah, I'm sure. But anyways- he's no good news, which I'm sure you figured out. He raised some security concerns after Tony named his creation Barf- got real angry and hostile. And actually, now that I think about it, there were some other employees who were fired too... maybe I should run a background check on them again..."

"You do that- after you find Peter."

"Yes ma'am," Happy said jokingly, "Make sure you set your phone to incognito mode so Edith can't track you-"

"But you still can. Got it. Text me any updates on Peter."

Luckily for Astrid, Happy did not disappoint and it didn't take him long to join the teens as they ran away from Mysterio's madness.

They didn't seem to get too far though because they found themselves stranded in a museum hiding from shooting drones.

"What are we supposed to do?!"

"I don't know- Astrid! Put your goddamn suit on!"

"My suit?! It's on the damn bus where that guy tried to kill us!"

"You really need to start pulling a Tony Stark and having it on at all times."

"Do we really have to discuss this right now?"

"Run!" Michelle yelled after managing to hit the drone with a mace.

"Well done, MJ."

"I know. Maybe if you would've grabbed something-"

"And ruin the art? Museums are a no touch zone!"

"If you haven't noticed," Brad huffed as he and Happy managed to close the doors, "The drones are ruining the whole damn place already."

"Oh whatever-"

Astrid was cut off by the sound of the drone shooting against the door.

"We're gonna die," Harley sighed.

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