Chapter 22 Happily Ever After or Calm before the Storm?

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4 months later

"You are making amazing progress, Shauyra", Dr Linda appreciated him towards the end of their session. "Thanks to your help and Mehek's love", he beamed with joy. "How is Mehek?", Linda asked casually. "Enjoying her pregnancy and success of our restaurant", he answered quickly. "How about you?", she probed tactfully. "Never been better. Looking forward to fatherhood and my Happily Ever After with Mehek", he replied but Linda remained silent. Slightly tilting  her head and questioning gaze, she implored him to go ahead. "I don't want to have any more secrets from Mehek. My present and my future will be an open book for her. I will do my best to fill her life with happiness", he added. 

"What about old secrets ? Atleast those concerning Mehek. For example, incidents like tampering with her pills", she suggested. Shaurya moved uncomfortably adjusting himself on the couch. "I was afraid to lose her. I thought perhaps a child will bind her to me. But now I know, our child is more precious. Our child is not guarantee to pledge her to me", he sighed. "You do understand that talking it out with Mehek would have made it easier. Afterall she too was glad to start a family with you. All these plotting and planning were unnecessary", Linda pointed it out.  "I know and I will never repeat it", he sighed, "yet I am afraid to share it with her. Uncovering my past mistakes to her, still scares me. All I could ensure is to make her future life beautiful and fulfilling". "But these secrets will haunt you. Your insecurities will torment you", Linda implied the truth. "A small penance for my crimes. The constant fear of losing Mehek is my punishment. Atleast it acts as a catalyst to love her more", Shaurya seemed to have accepted his fate. Linda nodded as she understood that Shaurya still has long way to go. But she was hopeful that with consistent therapy and support from his family, he will make it through.

Shaurya finished his session and came out. He took a minute to ponder on his current life. He missed Awara. He was not just a loyal servant but a his close comrade. But when Shauyra decided to leave it all behind and start anew, it was inevitable to free Awara. He still recalls the astonishment on Awara's face, when Shaurya brought a profitable estate in Awara's name and asked him to take care of it. Awara never wanted to leave his master's side but Shauyra insisted and wished him to have a life of his own. Although far away, Shaurya knew that if needed, Awara will be beside him.

Shaurya walked towards the parking lot where Mehek was waiting for him. She had learned to drive and was enjoying it. Once she saw him, she came out and hugged him. "How is my little munchkin doing?", he asked adorably, touching her baby bump. "All good. We were missing you", she pecked his lips. "I love you", he told her. She smiled happily and replied, "I love you more". "I doubt it. You will always lack madness", he told earnestly with tint of humour. "Really?", she laughed unable to understand his truth and pecked him again. Soon they drove away to their home. It was their designated weekly hour to be spent with their family in India. Mehek eagerly dialed Nehal's number for a video call. Nehal had delivered a baby girl few months back. Vicky was successfully running his restaurant business and they had moved into Khanna mansion. Harish was still in delicate health but was happy for both his sons. They chatted for some time and parted in happy note.

Shaurya was getting ready for his evening run when he felt a presence beside. He wasn't too surprised to find his own image clad in white cloths. He knew about complexity of his illness and was aware that Rudra would not be the only personality created by his troubled mind. "Who are you?", he asked calmly. Linda's therapy has taught him to deal with his personalities. The white figure laughed, "I don't know how to introduce myself. People may refer to me as 'guilty conscience' or some as 'judgement'. But I prefer to be called as 'Karma'. I like the sound of it". "People also say that Karma is a B*tch". Shaurya acted to be uninterested in Karma's laugh and turned away . But he surely made a mental note to share it with Linda in his next session. 

"You cannot ignore me forever, Shaurya. It's cosmic law that truth cannot be hidden for long. You have to face consequences for your actions", he came near him and told menacingly, "One day Mehek will know it all and she will leave you forever". "No, she won't ", Shaurya barked at him. Karma smirked, "Do you think your child will tie her down with a monster like you? An innocent child's protection will be main reason for her to escape you". "Mehek loves me. She is not staying with me because of our baby but for our love", Shaurya was quick to give him back. "She loves the perfect man you have projected before her. But once she sees your ugly and perverted truth, she will hate you", Karma instigated him. 

Shaurya was slowly losing reins of his emotions. Karma's taunts were driving him crazy. "I love her madly", Shaurya was trying hard to convince Karma. "She is too pure for your madness", Karma spewed at him. "Mehek belongs to me", Shaurya shouted adamantly. "Poor Shaurie. Your sand castle will soon be destroyed. I will taunt and scare you until your secrets are brought to Mehek. Even if you man up to spill the truth to her, she will leave you behind to rot in your misery. So both ways Karma wins", he informed Shaurya enthusiastically. "Go away", Shaurya screamed. "See you around, Shaurie", Karma mocked before vanishing.

"Shaurya, what happened?", Mehek quickly dashed to him. He was curled up in a corner and shivering. She tried to rub his back and comfort him but he was deeply disturbed. Mehek quickly grabbed his medicines and fed him. "Breath....Breath...Breath", she told him repeatedly. Once he calmed, he kept his head on her lap and wept, "Please don't leave me, Mehek. You are all I have". "I am here for you, Shaurya", she tried to pacify him. But he knew his righteous wife will leave him once she knows about his darkness. "Karma will catch upon me, Mehek. I have done so many ill deeds in past; intentionally & unintentionally. I will be ruined for my sins", he wept on her lap. 

Mehek sighed. She knew Shaurya never had courage to share his dark secrets with her. Truthfully she doubted whether she was brave enough to digest them. So she too preferred to let them buried away as she was unsure about her reaction. But she badly needed to bring him out his guilt. Regardless of his past, he is a good husband and will be a great father. "Shaurya, you cannot change the past. Neither can you see the future. All you could do now is to fill your present with good thoughts & deeds. May be fate will be merciful on you", she stroked his forehead, "I am here for you and will be there to support you through thick & thin". Shaurya could perceive her logic and nodded his head like small boy. Mehek laughed at his childishness, "Now go for a run and clear your mind. I will cook something yummy for you".

As she they got up from floor, she felt a faint kick on her belly. She made his palm rest on her stomach, "Our Baby kicked". Shaurya smiled and wiped his tear strained face. "It's a sign. Support for his Father", Mehek told him. "It could be HER support too", Shaurya corrected her. Mehek rolled her eyes. They had refused to know gender of their child. But it remained as the frequent topic on which the would-be-parents fought about. Shaurya giggled at her reaction but he quickly pulled her to himself and kissed her. "I love you, Mehek. So madly that I will be insane if I lose you", he told again while squeezing her tight. "I wish you know how much you mean to me so that your fears won't haunt you ever", she rested against his chest and said, "I love you, Shaurya".

Karma smirked in the background and waved at them dramatically. Shaurya knew that Karma faded away but will lurk in dark corners for his mind.


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