Chapter 8 Rudra

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                              "His name is Rudra", Nandini recalled Randeep's words. "I am not a whore to offer services to your friends", she had yelled at him. "Raising your voice won't help, Nandini. What were we doing for past couple of days? Did I ever tell you that I love you? Forget me. Did you feel anything for me?", she froze at his question. Sensing her defeat, he spoke again, "The answer is NO. We were having mind blowing, meaning less, consensual s*x to sate one another. You just have to do the same with Rudra. In return, he will take care of you. You have no honour left in you to bargain for more". Nandini was rooted in disgust and helplessness. "Either accept it or go out to make your own living. Decide quick and don't waste my time", Randeep was eager to leave. "I am ready", she wiped her tears boldly.

Nandini waited along with Randeep in a big mansion situated in outskirts of city. Finally Rudra walked in. Nandini had expected an aged man with distorted personality but he turned out to be young and quite handsome. Dressed in casual shirt and denims, he walked towards them and checked out Nandini shamelessly. "I take that you like her", Randeep sounded like a pimp. When Rudra nodded in agreement with a sly laugh, Randeep left with parting words, "She is now your problem". "Thank you for bringing her to me", Rudra bowed dramatically. Nandini looked on while Randeep walked away but he didn't even spare a glance to her.

Rudra came beside Nandini and tried to touch her lips but she jerked away. "Before we carry on, I want to clear that I am not a prostitute", she told bravely. "Ofcourse Baby. I am good at reading people", he leaned back, helping her relax. He touched her shoulder with a forefinger and traced it down her arms, "You are a beautiful woman who is in distress and needs to be taken care of. I will be happy to be at your service". "What do you want in return?", she asked straight. "Your absolute co-operation and discretion", he walked away to pour a drink for himself, "Do we have a deal?". She snatched away his glass and drank from it, "Deal".

At night, Nandini walked towards Rudra's room clad in a simple night suit. She was disinterested and decided play numb for his sexual desires. When he patted the space beside him in bed, she sat quietly near him. He caressed her cheeks softly and suddenly pulled her pony tail forcefully. She yelped in pain and tried to get away, "Leave me". "Oh Baby, the fun had just started", he laughed evilly. When she tried to restrain, a heavy blow landed on her face. Before she could recover, another fell on her. Soon she realised the horror into which she had been thrown.

Nandini tried to open her eyes and moaned in pain. She had taken up beating until he got satisfied and slept peacefully. Rudra was indeed a sick man. He needed a willing submissive creature under him. S*x is probably the culmination of the torture he inflicted on his victim. She shivered and try cover her sob when his strong hand snaked around her bruised body. "You did good, Baby. I never felt so satisfied since long", his appreciating words send chills down her spine. He kissed her neck and muttered, "The wardrobe has dresses, shoes and jewellery. All from expensive brands. They are all yours. Keep this also", he handed a cheque with a hefty sum written on it. Nandini was relieved when he got out of the bed to get dressed. She kept her head low when he smiled wryly, "The house keeper will come by 10. Tell her if you need anything. Old Hag is healer too so can help with your wounds". Nandini broke down as soon as he went away.

Shaurya was dressed in one of his favourite expensive suit. He wanted to look prim and proper for today is his day of victory. As expected Mehek herself, sought his help. She managed to reach him using lady officer's phone and requested him to rescue her. He acted to be caring & consoling over call but rejoiced hearing her pleas. Media tried to get a bit out of him but he avoided them. They can have their field day later, he knew it. Despite the odds, Advocate Hooda managed to get Mehek on bail. Finally when Mehek was brought out, they realised she was totally shaken. Regardless of his intention, a lone corner in Shaurya's heart winced uneasily. 'Only I can give her pain. None other can', his mind roared. "Mehek", he extended his hand to cup her hurt face. He had expected her to break into tears but she looked at him with empty eyes. Before he could ask anything, she swooned in his arms.

Mehek felt better after first aid was given to her. Shaurya realised that she was broken beyond his expectation but was unhappy with her condition. He glared at Awara who in turn glared at the inspector. Shaurya held Mehek closer while helping her walk out of the Police Station. Mehek sighed in relief, expecting her ordeal to end but was unaware that it was far from over. Shaurya had better plans for her. Media swamped over them while Shaurya pretended to protect her. 'Is this a publicity stunt, Mr Khanna?', 'Are you using Chef Mehek to destroy your brother's restaurant and gain business?', 'Are Khanna Brothers part of any drug cartel?', 'Are you being caught between these 2 brothers, Ms Sharma?'. Many such questions were thrown at them but they ignored. Finally as they reached near Shaurya's car, a young journalist took their photo and asked slyly, "Is Chef Mehek your flavour of the month, Mr Khanna?". 'BAM', Shaurya knocked him down fiercely, "She is MY woman and never dare to disrespect HER again"

Media blew the encounter out of proportion. Shaurya and his reaction was publicized while making speculation about his relationship with Mehek. Every channel played it for few hours until they got another hot news. Shaurya laughed to his heart's content while watching the news in his office and turned to Awara, "That young chap is an asset. He performed well. Hope I didn't hurt him much. Give him an extra, will you?". Awara nodded while he asked,"Did you make arrangements to delivery the promised vehicle to that inspector?"."All done, Sir", Awara informed. Shaurya remained quiet for a moment and then spoke, "Ensure that he won't be able to drive it". "Excuse me, Sir", Awara was baffled. Shaurya laughed at him, "No need to kill him. But break enough of his bones so that he won't be fine for few months. He stood up to leave, "I don't want to be disturbed for the rest of the day. My butterfly awaits to be ruined", Shaurya told Awara before he walked away.

Next Chapter : Chapter 9 Yield

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