Chapter 7 Prison

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                                   Mehek was tried to remain calm but was far from it. Although she found comfort at her friend Sonal's abode, she knew her future still remains as a big question mark. All her money was invested in the restaurant which is current sealed. She had no savings to count on or relations to depend. Nehal, her only family had chosen not to even talk to her and condemned her as culprit for her misfortune. Vicky wanted to help her but it won't be wise for him to go against his wife. She wondered how long Sonal will agree to keep her. Regardless of being her close friend, Mehek was not really confident about people around her. In turn of events, everyone surprised her. Especially Shaurya. He stood by her side like a good friend even if they had been not more than mere acquaintances. May be he has a soft corner for her. Yet Vicky's words and Shaurya's reputation forced her to keep Shaurya at bay.

Sonal came beside and gave a bag. Mehek looked at her being puzzled and opened it. She was shocked to find it full of cash, "Sonal, where did you get so much money?". Sonal pressed her hands, "This is for you, Mehek. You need not worry about hiring Adv Hooda". Mehek held her head in dismay. She knew Sonal well enough to realise that she cannot afford it. "Sonal, tell me the truth. Who gave you this?", Mehek asked sternly, "Did Shau...I mean Mr Khanna give you?". Sonal was taken aback. "No..No...No. Why would I take money from him? I don't even know him. It was Kun...", Sonal bit her tongue as she spilled truth in angst. Mehek's eyes shone with fresh tears but she blinked it away. She zipped the bag and kept it away, "Sonal, please give it back to him. I don't need his charity". "Mehek, he really wants to help you. Even I blasted him when he came yesterday at my workplace. But he remained persistent and begged me to hand it over to you without taking his name", Sonal explained. Mehek shook her head in disagreement. "Mehek, won't you have done the same if Kunal was in trouble?", Sonal asked earnestly. But Mehek's response was unexpected, "No Sonal. I wouldn't have. Our chapter is closed. There is no more 'US'. So It's always better that we keep away from eachother's life. Please return it to him and tell him that I begged him to not to interfere".

When they heard calling bell, Sonal went to open the door. She was aghast to find Police at her door. "We are here for Mehek Sharma", Officer informed. Mehek came before on hearing her name. "Ms Mehek Sharma, we are here to arrest you".

Mehek's heart skipped a beat when she was pushed into the lock up. After an hour long interrogation, she was given a break. The lady who was hospitalized after eating at her restaurant went into coma. Her condition suddenly got critical and doctors feared that it may lead to death. Hence Police arrested Mehek with immediate effect. The lady officer rudely asked question and even threatened her to confess the truth. At a point, Mehek thought that she was almost slapped. Finally they decided to keep her in custody. She had seen a lock up only in movies and crime shows. But nothing prepared her for the reality. The place was crowded, dirty and smelled horrible. Many women were already inside but none looked like the innocent lamb as she. Most of the inmates were seasoned criminals who peered at her sarcastically. Mehek sat in a corner clutching her dupatta.

"Awaraji, normally we never put people like her in lock up. They are detained here but kept outside the lock up. I hope you understand that I am going out of the way for Khanna Sir", the inspector spoke to Awara. He smiled and showed picture of an SUV in his phone, "Tell me your preferred colour and this car will be parked in your house in 2 days". Inspector was happy but got dubious when Awara demanded one more thing. "I could get into serious trouble", he was unsure. But Awara insisted, "I am sure you will manage".

"It's all done, Sir. Mehek Sharma will never forget this night in prison ever", Awara informed Shaurya that he made all arrangements as Shaurya had planned. He looked at the Police station from distance and waved his hand, "I will come for you tomorrow, my Dear Butterfly". He dismissed Awara and sat on the driving seat, "I need to get over this night so leave me alone". Awara looked on when he drove away.

Mehek didn't touch food packets given to her. She had no appetite and remained rooted to her corner. "Are you going to eat it?", a girl of probably less her age asked. When Mehek shook her head, she grabbed to eat it. "How much do you charge for a night?", she asked casually and without further push told her rate to Mehek. Mehek was aghast and wanted to refuse but she went on, "You seem to be pretty expensive. Too bad you got caught with drugs. Once inside we all are the same. Just be careful with the inspector and don't enrage him". Mehek shivered in fear when other older ladies laughed, "You don't want to taint your skin colour. So just go with it. Once he is done, we too can have a taste of you in state prison". Mehek wanted to weep but was startled when she was summoned for questioning.

"Sir, I am innocent. I don't know anything", Mehek whimpered in the interrogation room. Inspector came near her and sniffed her. She felt disgusted by stench of his cheap alcohol. "Nice smell but few more hours in that lock up will spoil you. Why don't you come and spend night at my room?", he told suggestively. He touched her inappropriately and groped her. She struggled to push him away and screamed, "You duty is to protect me. I am innocent till proven guilty". Her attitude angered him. He twisted her wrist behind her back and pinned her to wall. She screamed in agony when he smeared her cheek on to rough surface of wall. "Sir please", a lady inspector stormed inside and he moved away. She protected Mehek and took her away. "Look Lady, I am telling you as a well-wisher. Do anything but ensure that you won't end in prison. Trust me when I say that a pretty face like you won't survive even a night in jail", she advised Mehek and made her sit beside her. Once Mehek was settled, lady police officer moved away and messaged Awara secretly. He had asked her to keep Mehek safe, incase Inspector loose his cool and try to harm Mehek.

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