Chapter 15 Storm

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                                       "What were you thinking, Mehek?"....."How could you be so stupid, Mehek?"....."Have you lost your mind, Mehek?".....Shaurya has shot at Mehek repeatedly throughout their drive back home. She was badly shaken so remained quiet although she sniffled now & then. On reaching the penthouse, he literally dragged her to the bathroom and pushed her under the shower. Mehek yelped when icy cold water was showered on her. Mehek shivered but he was least bothered. He took out wet wipes and start cleansing her skin. "Did she touch you here? Or Here?", he kept on asking but didn't bother to hear her answer. "Shaurya, I am fine", finally Mehek managed to tell him while he was still pulling out more wipes. "I need to be sure, Mehek. A woman like Svetlana taints anything she touches, even the purest. She will burn your body", he frantically continued to wiped her arms, neck and face. "She cannot touch my soul", Mehek said under her breath but it was loud enough for him to hear. When Shaurya stopped, Mehek cupped his face, "Neither yours".

Shaurya pushed her hands away and laughed out like a madman while taking few steps back. Mehek stood still unable to fathom him. "My soul", he said between his laughs, "I am a demon, Mehek. So no soul". He became serious and grabbed her arms. Mehek winced in pain because his grip was harder than required. "Do you think you can protect me? Silly Woman. It is you who needs protection. From evil like my step-mom and me. Look at yourself. You are a pathetic weakling. What were you thinking when you confronted that monster?", he shook her violently. 

Mehek laughted at herself pathetically "I know very well that I am a worthless life, Shaurya. So no need to remind me". Her words reflected sorrow and hurt him but she continued, "If you are wondering why I still dared to face her then it is because I am afraid", she told looking down. "Then why Mehek?", he grabbed her chin to face him, "Then why did you face her?", care and concern dripped from his words. Her tears stained his fingers when she spoke, "I am afraid to lose you. I have none but you". She fell on to his chest and wept. While he hid her in his arms, he didn't realise when his eyes got moist. "Even I have just you", he spoke to her emotionally, "You were the only one who ever tried to protect me even if I don't deserve it". He held her closer."You don't know how precious you are to me". Her sobs subsided hearing his words

Mehek trembled, he realised that she was still in her wet cloths. "You will fall sick", he frantically looked around for dry material. He picked up the duvet and covered her with it. Keeping it around her as a barrier between them, he unzipped her dress and allowed it to pool down. Mehek looked at him intently while Shaurya started to feel uncomfortable, sensing the way their situation progressed. She was drunk and abused. She needed comfort and he was afraid he may hurt her. When he tried to walk away, she didn't allow. "Please stay", she requested him. "No, I don't think it is a good idea", he refused but she swiftly pulled him by neck and kissed him. She didn't mind the that cloth that covered her modestly has slowly drifted away from her. Shaurya was shocked by her bold move. He tried to free himself but she remained persistent. Soon he has to give up resisting and respond ardently.

He didn't know how they reached their bed. He was so lost in her proximity to realise when she removed his cloths and made him bare. His weak conscience tried best to make her stop. "Mehek, stop", he finally managed to utter, "this is a mistake. It won't end well. You will regret". He knew his rejection will hurt her but it was for the best. Yet she didn't relent but said seductively, "I know what I want". She came on to him again and there was no turning back for either of them. She touched and teased him. Her lips left trail of wet kisses all over him. It amused him that his amateur bride is seducing him. A Novice trying gain dominance over the Veteran. Sadly he couldn't allow her to be dominant. Quickly he flipped and brought her beneath him. "You asked for it", he rebuked her wickedly while she blushed. She moaned deliciously when he parted her legs to enter her. She held on to his shoulder as if she will burst into pieces without the anchor in him.

Shaurya was enjoying while thrusting in and out of her. He knew Mehek is nearing her climax. 'Let me take over', the monster in him implored. Shaurya denied. 'You will never be satisfied unless I am in command', the tone was compelling now. 'Rudra, please. You will hurt, her', Shaurya tried to keep his alter ego at bay. Rudra's crazy laughed echoed in his mind. 'That's what I always do, Shaurya. Hurting the submissive grants gratification', Rudra pointed it out. 'But not Mehek. I don't want to give her pain', he tried to fight with Rudra. 'Wife?? She is just a game. You always wanted to break her and relish your win. Let me make it easier and finish it for you', Rudra was pushing. 'Please don't', he begged Rudra. What's so special about her?, Rudra probed. 'I LOVE HER', Shaurya finally gave in and yelled at his demon. Rudra laughed wickedly. Shaurya had been trying hard to subdue Rudra. Mehek who was completely unaware of his internal battle, screamed in pleasure when he drove her to fulfillment . Shaurya's focus shifted to her when she came hard on him. A moment of weakness was all Rudra needed to crush Shaurya and take over him.

"Open your eyes, Baby", Mehek heard him while heaving for breath. She opened her eyelids which were doused in pleasure. Shaurya appeared to be different; his tone and expression were distinct. She realised that her nails had scratched his shoulder. "Don't feel sorry", he said as if reading her mind, "Night is still young for me to repay". Mehek yelp in reflex when he swiftly pinned her wrists to pillow. He kissed her roughly. They gasped for breath when she pulled away from his wild kiss. "Are you okay, Shaurya?", she asked in concern. "Never been better. You have no idea how long I have craved for this night. Let me make it memorable for us", before she could understand, he crashed on to her lips hungrily.


Shaurya opened his eyes and panicked. He had a routine for mornings when Rudra takes over for the night. Rudra leaves Shaurya satisfied but he had to clean up his mess. He compensated his mistresses with riches and gifts but he was agitated thinking about Mehek. He cannot forgive himself if Rudra had harmed Mehek. He looked around and found Mehek curled up on farther end of the bed. With trembling hands, he touched her. She moaned softly, "Please...".

Next chapter : Chapter 16 Aftermath

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