Chapter 6 Ex - Husband

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               Kunal was raided his safety locker and gathered all money & jewelry. As soon as he heard from a mutual friend about Mehek's predicament, he wanted to rush to her side and help her. Once he placed them in his carry bag and picked up the car keys, Nandini came to him. "What happened Kunal? Where are you leaving?", she looked pale and tired. Last few days were terrible for her. After pregnancy scare, she had terrible weakness yet Kunal did nothing to comfort her. "I...I ...I have a medical conference to attend", he lied. Nandini looked at him with disappointment," Tell me the truth, Kunal. I know you are lying". Kunal was not confident to share the truth with Nandini. Lately she had been acting weird. He feared she may not allow him to support Mehek. "Think whatever you want to think. I am leaving", he started to walk away. Nandini quickly dashed to the door to block him. "I won't allow you to leave. You cannot fool me and walk away like you did to Mehek. I am not blinded by trust. I am not Mehek", she cried out loud. He found her behaviour irrational and his temper mounted up. "I am sick and tired of you, Nandini", he sneered after pushing her away. But Nandini was also determined, "If you walk away then we are done". Kunal got frustrated and raised his voice, "Then we are better DONE".

It's been couple of days since Kunal left. At first, Nandini had hope that he will return once his anger subsides. But as days passed, her anxiety rose. Once she found the locker was empty and his phone unreachable, she decided to face Kunal. She went straight to the hospital he worked. On inquiry, she found that Kunal was not send to any conference and missed work for many days. Management had decided to fire him and she was asked to vacate the quarters immediately. Nandini realised that the ground beneath has been snatched away. She walked along the road aimlessly for hours. Finally she was too tired to go on and sat down with a heavy heart. While she tried to keep her cries lower, a comforting hand fell on her shoulder. Nandini looked up and was so shocked to find her ex-husband, Mr Randeep Thakur.

"Here, take them", Randeep passed few cloths to her and asked her to freshen up. Nandini was so hapless when Randeep found her at an unsafe juncture near highway. He managed to convince her to come along with him. In her distressful state, she didn't refute. He fed her and gave her room to stay. Nandini realised that Randeep had changed a lot. He was calm and quiet. The old version of Randeep would have not wasted a single moment to taunt and hurt her even in duress. "You seemed to have changed", Nandini told absentmindedly. He agreed, "I have been taking therapy and believe me it did wonders. I can proudly say that I am an improved version of my former self". Nandini was still indecisive but when he consistently probed about her problems, she spilled her worries to him. "Nandini, this seems to be serious. We need to report a Police complaint. What if Kunal is in danger?", Randeep words scared Nandini. She cursed her stupidity for wasting time imagining Kunal's infidelity.

With Randeep's help, Nandini filed missing complaint. He too promised to search for Kunal using his sources. As she had nowhere else to go, he allowed her to stay with him. After a day, Randeep informed Nandini that Kunal had gone to help Mehek. Nandini understood that Mehek was in trouble and Kunal chose to rush to her side abandoning her. He ran back to Mehek with all their savings. "You need this", Randeep poured a glass of wine for her. She gulped it and fought with tears, "I am happy that Mehek got him back. She deserves to be happy". She gulped another glass and allowed tears to fall. "I am sorry, Nandini. If I had been a bit more thoughtful, our lives would have been better", he sipped from his glass, "Will you trust me when I say your tears burn me?". Nandini was unable to respond. She didn't flinch when he came beside and kissed away their tears. "Why didn't I treasure a gem like you?", he whispered and captured her lips. Nandini was shocked but soon responded. For a night, she wanted to be desired and pleasured without guilt. Randeep was her abusive husband but he was her first love too. A man whom she had given hers innocence. First man with whom she dreamed of a happy life . She moaned in pleasure when he his hands explored her body. She didn't fight and let passion consume her.

It's been few days, since Nandini found her blissfulness in arms of Randeep. He had indeed a new man. He was caring and affectionate. Nandini thought if Randeep had changed long back then she would have never left him and married Kunal. Thinking of Kunal was painful for her yet she was happy that he got back with Mehek. She no longer felt guilty for stealing Kunal from Mehek. She felt light although not content. Still she wished he had atleast once  returned her calls and gave themselves a closure. While she was lost in thoughts of Kunal, the land phone rang continuously and she picked it up. "Hello", she answered but was met with a confused female voice on other side. "Who is it? Where is Randeep?", she shouted on Nandini. Before she could reply, Randeep snatched the receiver, "Hello Jaan...Oh she is no one...Just the new help I hired to cook & clean...Sure, I will be there....Anything for my Biwi". Nandini stood in shock until he finished talking. "Randeep, are you married? Why didn't you tell me?", Nandini asked frantically. "Does it matter? Kunal was also married when you were having an affair with him", he told plainly. "You bloody Pervert", she understood that he was just using her for his pleasure. She threw her mobile phone at him but he ducked. It shattered into pieces just like her feelings. Holding her tears, she ran out of his house.

Nandini cried her heart out. She felt so dirty and vile. But at the end, she realised that she has none to turn for help. She had no family and none of her friends care of her after what she did to Mehek. Above all, Kunal had abandoned her and went back to Mehek. It was getting dark . She looked around to find many men prying on her,with lecherous eyes . In fear, she headed back to the Randeep's flat. As she entered, she found him leaving with luggage. "You came back!!", he was surprised but explained himself,  "My wife got suspicious. So I am leaving now". "Not so soon Mr Thakur", Nandini retaliated with all courage she could muster up, "You exploited me for your pleasure. I am too ruined to get back to myself. You have to take responsibility". Randeep got scared when she tried to get violent. His wife has already froze his accounts so that he cannot spend waywardly. His hands were tied financially. He knew Nandini had gone crazy and may harm him if not dealt carefully. "Ok , fine", he yelled at her, "I have a friend who can take care of you. His name is Rudra".

Next chapter : Chapter 7 Prison

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