Chapter 19 Twisted

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                 Mehek giggled when she found her husband struggling in kitchen for making breakfast. It's been few weeks since they found new meaning in their relationship. They behaved like hormonal teenagers who cannot keep their hands off one another. Penthouse became their own love hub. Cooking was an established punishment given to Shaurya whenever Mehek wanted to reprimand. Clad in night robe and untidy apron upon it,Shaurya was trying hard to fix breakfast for Mehek. He didn't pay attention to her. He acted as if he was wronged that she ordered him to cook while she slept to her heart's content.

Mehek found him extremely hot and handsome. "You are meant to be in kitchen", Mehek mocked him. He ignored her remark and remained dedicated to his task. "So manly", she drew her forefinger against his jaw. It moved down to his chest and abs, "so strong", she softly pressed his biceps. Still Shaurya ignored her. "Dedicated and perseverant. Hmmm... I like it", she hugged him from behind and rubbed herself on him. She knew that he was distracted but wasn't showing it. She sat beside him on the counter, bringing her entire attention on him, "Hot and Enticing". 

Her fingers played over his well built body and moved them down suggestively. She knew her effect on him and it was getting evident beneath his robe. But abruptly she looked at the dish as if she was referring to it. She took a spoonful and put it into her mouth seductively. Shaurya gulped hard at her gesture. Suddenly she coughed and spit it out. "It's horrible", she wore a distasteful look on her face. Shaurya was let down by her reaction, "Sadly your performance doesn't match your looks or effort, Hubby. Cooking is not your forte". 

Mehek made fun of him while he pouted in anger, "Sadly, you cannot impress your wife with your culinary skills". She laughed again and walked away in style while he got angry. "Then let me show my field of expertise, Wifey", he angrily grabbed her. Mehek gasped in shock when he undid his robe. His junior was ready for action. He pushed her into the nearby wall and groped her. "Shaurya, please don't", she begged him. She was already sore and knew her body couldn't take more of aggressive love.

He grinned wickedly, "You should have thought about it before". He knew she wore nothing beneath her short satin night gown. He swiftly bunched it over her waist while wrapping her legs around his hips and thrust his hard length into her sensitive folds. She yelped in pain but rather than pushing him away, she clutched on to him. The anticipated pleasure was so tempting that she didn't mind the pain. It all went haze with her dreamy moans and his manly growls while she constantly demanded to go fast & hard. Once he was done, he pulled out mercilessly causing her to crumble down on floor. "Stop di*k teasing", Shaurya warned and left.

Mehek took deep breaths for few minutes to calm herself. She looked around and found herself alone in the kitchen. The aftermath of their passionate rough union had left her with immense discomfort. She tried to get up with support of the wall behind her but she body failed. She decided to take rest on the floor. She sighed and giggled at her own folly to wake up the beast in her husband. It was crazy that she craved for his ruthlessness. Once she felt herself to be little more stable, she tried to stand again. This time too she failed but before she fell down, pair of strong hands scooped her off the floor. "Are you done with your foolishness?", Shaurya rebuked while he carried her. She placed a smooth kiss on his cheek, as she knew his knight will be back for her rescue.

Shaurya placed her in the bath tub. He had left her to prepare warm bath with healing oils and lavender wash. Mehek was constantly pushing him with her teasing and taunting. He never intend to but often her childishness made him rough and harsh. It surprised him that his sweet butterfly enjoyed his aggressiveness. He was appeased that his darkness could satisfy her sinister fantasies. He only wanted to give her all happiness she ever desired. Still he was worried about her health. But Mehek remained blissful in her new found indulgence.

She moaned while her body immersed into the luxury he had made. "Stop making those alluring sounds or else you will get hurt again", he warned her while she kept her hand over mouth and giggled. He was about to leave her when she grabbed his hand and asked, "Why don't you come in?". "Not a good idea, Mehek", he shook his head as he knew where it may lead to. "You need to relax too", she pulled to invite him and he acceded. He got in and held her from behind. She leaned on to him and tried to relax. "I wish we could be like this forever", she wished with her eyes closed. "You mean naked and together in bath tub", Shaurya chuckled, "You are so vile. What have you done to my innocent wife, you sex addict?", he mocked her. Mehek splashed water on him while they both laughed. "I didn't mean that way, Shaurya. Just us, away from all hustle-bustle and worries of life", she explained her wish to him. "I know, Mehek", he massaged her shoulder and she cocooned into him.

She was too tired to resist when he dried her and dressed her in a loose night shirt. He placed her in their warm bed and pecked her forehead with advice to take rest. "You are so nice", she pulled his cheek. "I have an evil side, Mehek. But it's not for you get familiar. Only my soft side is meant for you", he told playfully yet the truth. Mehek giggled without knowing its seriousness. "You are my heaven", he pecked her hands, "What shall I give you in return, My Queen?". "Your undying Devotion and Loyalty, my King", Mehek played along. "Always and my heart too", he kissed her and asked, "But for now , how about a honeymoon trip?". Her eyes startled with joy when he asked, "Where do you want to go?". "Anywhere is fine, provided it's just you and me; Not even your phone", she demanded. "Tell me where you want to go. London, Paris, Amsterdam, Switzerland...", he gave options. Mehek jumped at the last name, "Switzerland. Just like Bollywood". 

Shaurya laughed at her and patted her cheeks. "Can I ask you one more thing?", she told timidly. He accepted and she spoke, "Why don't we move in to Khanna Mansion? Just like a big family. Us, Nehal & Vicky and Dad". Shaurya went rigid listening to her suggestion. Mehek knew it was a sensitive topic for him and didn't breached it till now. He advised her to take rest and walked away. In few minutes, he got ready to leave for office. He left with a curt farwell but turned abruptly at the door, "I will think about it, Mehek". She was happy that he will consider her suggestion. She gave him a flying kiss, "You make me ho*ny when you act obedient", she acted like a wanton. "I want my innocent Mehek BACK", he yelled acting to be frustrated while she laughed out loud.

Khanna Mansion, his ancestral property belonged to him but Vicky too owned it. As first born, he had full rights to reside at Khanna mansion and Mehek is entitled to reign there. Moving his father into Khanna mansion was least of his worries. His father was too old to cause any trouble. But if Vicky and Nehal take the offer to stay then he was uneasy. He was afraid that Nehal may let the cat out of the bag and reveal his secrets to Mehek. Although he no more had any intention to harm Mehek, it will be tough to convince Mehek and she may leave him. A chill ran through his spine thinking about it. He cannot imagine his life without Mehek. He has to find a way so that Mehek will never ever leave his side.

Next chapter : Chapter 20 Positive

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