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Shaurya had tried to make Mehek comfortable in his home. Maids brought in fresh towels to wipe her body and gave her with warm blanket to cover herself. Shaurya poured two glasses of whiskey and offered one to Mehek. She was skeptical to accept it. "Have it", he insisted, "trust me, you will feel better". Mehek nodded and took it. While she nervously sipped the bitter liquid, he asked her softly, "Now tell me what happened, Mehek?". She kept her head low to hide her embarrassment. Although Shaurya cannot be termed as a Friend, he was not a stranger. He was a well-known socialite and successful businessman but with a notorious reputation. Besides, he is Vicky's step brother. Anyways, Mehek was in not in a condition to keep her emotions bottled up. "There was an incident at our restaurant", she spoke slowly. He nodded, encouraging her to continue, "one of our customers was taken ill after consuming a dish I prepared. She is hospitalized and in critical condition". Shaurya leaned back and relaxed but she continued, "Police raided our restaurant and sealed our pantry for further investigations. Vicky is arrested since he is the owner".

Mehek had magic in her hands. Regardless of zilch formal training, she turned out to be one of the most successful chefs in the city. She is honest and hard working. It was not at all a surprise when she became head chef when Vicky started his own restaurant. "That's All. Some stale food was confiscated from restaurant and a weak stomached hogger is hospitalized ", Shaurya smiled flashing his dimples, "Mehek, you made me fear the worst but this is simple. You should have just informed my office. One phone call from my secretary to food inspection board and the whole issue would be swept under the carpet". He pulled out his mobile, "Better late than never". Mehek quickly held his hand, "Shaurya, you don't understand. It wasn't just spoiled food". "Then?", he got a bit anxious. "It was narcotics", Mehek managed to say it.

"You mean drugs", Awara was aghast and spoke without permission which earned him a glare from Shaurya. Mehek agreed and explained, "Almost half a kilo. It was stashed in our pantry along with other ingredients for desserts. The pastry chef was fired few days back so I was handling desserts too. May be my mistake, I mixed it in our signature dessert dish. The client who ate it , lost consciousness in few minutes". "Mehekji, it is serious. Your restaurant will be closed and license cancelled immediately", Aware told her. "That's least of the worries, Awara", Shaurya was firm, "Vicky and Mehek will be tried under narcotics act and put to jail". Mehek start to weep again. "Mehek, please relax. I wonder why Vicky didn't reach out to me earlier. Whatever difference we have , he is still my blood", he turned to Awara, "Call my lawyer and ask him look into it immediately". Awara nodded and pulled out his phone. "Mehek, I feel it's better that you stay here for the night. If my lawyer wants to talk to you, it will be easier. Still if you want to go home, Awara will drop you", he offered. Mehek gathered that Shaurya is still unaware that Nehal had thrown her out of her house. She was too torn by turn of events to think rationally and vent out her anger on Mehek. So Mehek helplessly agreed to his offer to stay in Khanna mansion. She thanked her stars that Shaurya didn't take her to his ill-famed penthouse where he enjoyed his one night stands. Khanna Mansion provided her a feel of a family house thereby eased her decision to stay with him.

Shaurya entered his study where Awara was waiting for him. "Advocate Hooda will meet us here by morning. I have briefed him everything", Awara informed him with a sly smile. Shaurya too reflected it with a wicked grin,"How's my beloved step-brother and sister-in-law?". "Miserable", Awara informed, "Vicky acted tough but few hours in lock-up broke him. Then it was easy to manipulate his wife". Shaurya threw back his head and laughed out loud, "Poor Mehek. In a snap she lost her job, family and reputation. Can you believe she feel into my arms straight away?". "When people are emotionally stressed, the logical side of brain shuts off", Awara told him. Shaurya brushed aside his psychological analysis. "Any news about Nikki?", he asked. "All good, Sir. She acted to faint after eating dessert and as planned was taken straight to our hospital where she is kept in ICU. She is enjoying VIP treatment there , under the pretext that doctors are yet to diagnosis the cause of her condition", Awara filled in. "Perfect. I never thought that one day Nikki will come in handy. That girl got talent other than being a slut. Remind me to get her a nice gift", Shaurya seemed delighted. "So what's the further plan for Mehek", Awara inquired. "Don't get impatient, Awara. We should take it slow and steady. I am weaving an exquisite web for my beautiful butterfly. A cozy, attractive but deadly web. She will be entangled in it until I ruin her completely", he laughed crazily.

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